how to stand up to my thouhts

just don’t think them the
just dont think them
just decice

deice to decide to hav e a good life instead just
decid to have a good life instead


all i can do is not think all ic an do
is gog within
go wihtin and ignore the rest

entire focus on the god within
and that’s all ic an do

entire focus
on the god within

entire foces
entire focus
entire focus





all i can do all ic an do i all
i can do

all i i keep

my mind and thoughts off this wrolds
world and place my entire focus
on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperi

entire focus that’s my only hoice
that’s o
the only choice i have left that

tha’ts ll i have left thats all i can
do that’s all i can do

that’s all i cn
can do foresake the rest
the rst

the foreskae the rest foresake the rest

i have god and that’s all there is

tha’s all there is that’s all there
thats a

all there is that’s all there is
that’s a

all there is
keep my mind and thoughts

off this world it
its only the eog
its the

its the separate self its the separate
self i now its tp

its up tme i now it
know its only ever me i reuf

get to frsut
refuse to sufffer i get to refuse to suffer

what if i had a good time
what if i had a good day

what if we got along what if it
was nice what if i expected the best what

if i made the choice to feel how i want to feel

what if i made

make the choce tofeel how i want to feel
an dtrust life

to do the rest i can eust
trust life to do the rest
i dont have to
get sucked into though

i now this i let thought drage
me down i loe

let thought upper limit
what if i use my power what if i ue the pwoer i have

what if i u
use it for what i want
waht if i elie in
waht if i believe in my power

what if feel good now
what if

i feel good now what if i feel good now

what if what if

and i think yes i can feel that wy
that way but then i stop myself

why do i stop myself???


afraid it wont come to pass?
afraid to bbelieve in
to let go of the comfort of misery to trust the unkown!!!

misery is comfortable
the unknown is scary

the mind chooses misery!
thnk you

i can trust the unkonw
i cna

i tust god i trust go i know im too powerful
i know i get to choose it
i kow h

i get to choose it i
ge t

get to choose it

my power thank you god
for showing me
who ia m i am


i am aware

i am awaer

i see myself i see myself
i see myself
and i rise d
above thatnk thank you

its working its working
its working

entire focuso the god within
wtihin is working
is mits me and i get to feel
good becuase i have god
bog thanks god

for everything