i am aware of how i would prefer to feel

and i choose to feel it

i choose to feel it and i know feeling is the secret

i know it i know i may have a momentary
lapse but i know the truth

and i focus on it i concentrate on it
i know the power of my focus and concentration
i kno wthe poer of

i know the powero fm

of me i know that

the power of ehc
the contrast i know the power of relaxing inwo the
ease and flow of this moment

become it then see it become it then see it
and allow life to be the

conduit for the desire and trust the desrie

and know that once it is born it is

grateufl to return to the truth
grateufl to tru

return to the truth
to the truth

grateful to become it tehn
then see it to return to the feeling


into the feeling it feels good to let go and

relax to remember the turht
and realx to know the truth o
so well and realx


it feels godo go

to relax


i get to choose to feel it i get to choose
to feel i get to choose to feel and
and so grateful to be here
to d
doing the only work that matters
doing the only work that matters
i m here

i feel good i feel good!

i feel good i feel in my life i feel at ease
in my life
i feel the flow in my life

i feel the feeling of knwoing

i feel the feeling right now
the way i live my life thaer

ther ecan o

can be only one way ‘m living my life
right now
i know this

i know this

there can
be only one way i’m living my life

right now

and i become it then i see it
i lov ethat i kno wthe desire

is born i love that i know the desire
is born
i love that i get to choose it i l

choose it now

i feel it here and now
i feel the certainty f lo

of live

life and hre ea

and now i know that’s


all ther eis i love that i kno wthat
that i get to realx
into this knowledge

that life helps me
relax into it i love that life

ehlps m

helps me

relax into ti

i am it
so grateful to come hre and n
remember i am it

so gratefu lto be here and know i am it
i know i am it i know i am it
so grateful to be i nthis here and now

in the deep trust of the universe
ii the deep knowing that life
always reflecs me

so grateful to relax intot he deep
deep knowing and the focsu on the deep knowing
so grateful to

to relese

release everything else and

sit in the ee
deep knowing so gratful
grateful to situate myself in the
deep knowing

the knowing knowing tha titsl

itsa l
all reflecting the version i’m
conscious of being i can re

alwasy relax

into the deep knowing
i can alwasy relax

into the deep knowing
and that is the only work i love that i know the power of me

and im

ore detmore

moredetermined than

more determined than ever


feel the feeling of the deep knowing i know the
feeling and i know that is my power