i am aware

i am here i am here i am here doing the only work

here doing the only work the only work and thats me
the feeling of me i know that the only work is the feeling nof me

of me i know that it’s only ever me
it’s only ever how i feel
it’s only ever how i feel i know that i am the one and only creator of my reality

i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose how i see

i ilove where ia m and

i’m so lucky i’m so lucky to be where i am here and now making the time
to take care of me
i’m here and now taking care of me doing me i am doing me

the feeling is all there is the feeling is all there is

i am here now the feeling is all there is
i love that i know this i love that i know th
i love that i know this i love that i know this i love that i know

i love that i know i

i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy that is continuously
easily and effortlessly puring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i am now aware
i am now

i am here i am here doing the only work the only work which is taking care of numer one

i am taking care of number one i’m here
i’m here i’m here i’m here i’m

here and now i am here and now i am here and now

i am here and now i am here and no i

i am here and now i am here and now i m

am here and now i am here and now i

i am here and now i am here and now i am
here and now i am

here i am me i am

i aware i am aware i am aware
i am aware
i am a ware

i love myself i love myself i love myelf i love

i get to feel something i get to feel com

i am aware
i am aware and i know that everything outside of me that
the mind tries to put my attention on

is not pure awareness

i know teh observer is the only state and its the only
way to obtain the feeling i seek i get to choose
if i am seeking or i am perfect

i love the
that i get torelax to releax into the perfection of what i know

i am this work i take the time to do this work
the only work i take the time to do this work the only work

i know that the only place to find what i seek
is within is here and now in this moment and i love that i
get to i love that i get to that i get to feel good that i get to feel the
feeling that i can always cultivate the feeling that i can always

be the feeling i know the feeling i know the feeling

i get to always be the feeling i get to feel the
feeling i am the feeling i am the feeling of god and i get to be it
i get to

be it

thank you for the feeling for the feeling of center for the feeling of center
i get to feel it i get to feel it i get to feel good

i am it i am it i am it i am it
i get to feel it i get to be it i am it

i am it

i know that everything outsie of me
is false and there is only awareness
there is only the observer there is only
the observer there is only
the observer

there is only the observer there is only the feeling
of rlease
release the feeling of not caring there is only the
the feeling of knowing

knowing that i know knowing that i know that

there is only the release and everything else
flows through me

so grateful to be here taking care of me
taking carae of my energy

god is lavish god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all proficing
providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i know this i know this i know that
everything outside of me where i place my attention

causes tention

tension and when i release from that
and return to center

i feel at ease and then allow life to flow
effortleslly to and through me

i get to choose knowing

i get to choose knowing i get to choose knowing i

get to choose knowing i get to be i get to be i get to love i
get to allow i get to release i get to release

i get to release i get to

release i get to release i get to just be i
get to just be i get to allow life to come to me

i know i know the truth i know the secret to life
i know the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

is eternally operating in my life

eternally operating in my life
i get to choose i get to

this is the only work this is the only work
this is teh only work

the feeling good work is the only work
the feeling good work is
the only work this is the only work

this is the only work