i can always do this work and remember

i don’t have to care i don’t have to attach myself to anything
that feels bad and i can choose to feel good right now
i choose to allow it right no i ca

now i can choose to allow it
the feeling to rise the switch to flip the
flip to switch so

gratefl to feel good to not care to not let it
get to me so grateful i don’t even care i really don’t
so grateufl for that
so grateful for where i am
for a good dinner
for a good wife
the best wife!

for a home that i love to
feel good where i am to feel good where
i am to allow life to flow
love to flow through me

grateful for this day
grateful to learn to be aware that it’s my vibration
ti’s my

it’s my vibration it’s only ever me so
grateful to know this
so grateful to know this

to know the feeling to feel the
feeling so grateful to feel the feeling
to feel the feeling of god to feel the
feeling of god flowing through

to be here now doing this work
to know this is the only work this

what am i here doing????

remembering the power of me
i get to choose

so choose!

what am i here doing