i can always say yes thank you

i can say yes thank
you and then the world say yes
thank you back i love that i can
always say

yes thank you i can
always say yes thank you
i can alwys
say yes thank ou and i can
make the choice to feel
good a

thank you

yes thank
you yes thank you

yes thank you thank you
i know that the magick
is always right

here with

when i say yes thank you
i feel good i feel
feeling of gratitude and i know
that is all that matters
so i say

yes thank ou
thank you

alli can
ever do is

thank thank thank
god for proviing
the best fo me

all i can
ever do is say thank you thank
you thank ou t

thank you sand
and know that life is always givine me
me the best

all i can ever
do is say thank you because
what i look for i care
create more of

i love doing the work and
looking for things to feel
grateful for i love feeling
in control of my vibration
and making the
choice to feel good i love that

the contrast helps me focus
ilove that i now my power i love
that i know the
power of the magick i love

feeling brave enough to say
yes thank you to look for something
to be grateful for i love

looking for dom

something to be grateful for
i love that the


i get to choosei get to
say ytha
thank ou i love that i don’t have to wonder

because because i love that i
get to say

i get to say thank you i get to say
thank you i am brave enough to say tyank y
thankyou i love that
no matter what i get to feel good
i get to feel good

nomatter what i love
that i get to feel good no matter
what i love that i get to celebrate m

myself i love

doing the work to feel good
because feeling good feels good i love

doing the work i love
doing the work i love the power
of the

the focus i do this work
to practice feeling good feeling

i love that i ge tto feel
good the feeling is always there and
it comes through
gratitude i look for things to be
grateful for and thats all that mmaters
i love

that i get to send the signal i love
that i get ot feel
to feel good nw i love that i
get to
to say thank youi love

made the choice to feel good for
me i love making the choice to feel good

good for me i love
that i get to tune myself to the
feeling of gratitude

i love that i get to feel the

the feeling
of gratitude
is always there the feeling is
always here

and i get to say thank
you inkow there th


there is only this moment and
thism oment is me t

i know this moment is me i know
thismoment is me i know this moment is me and
i get ot fele to feel the feeling

i get to

i practice the feeling
i practice the feeling to feel good now
i get to feel goodn ow and the work
always work s

the work

work the work the work

the work always wroks the work alwys work s
and i get to do the work
i kwo t

i know the work alwys works i know the
work ath

alwys works i know the
work always works and nothing
else i know ic an

toil and try to hammer
things into place but the only
thing that ever
solves anytihg

is letting go i love
that i get to let go i love that i get to

make the time to do me
to feel good to feel good i love that
its all good i love that
its all good l ove i love letting go

i love hat i get to to feel the feeling of
letting go i love that i know tis there

its there i love that i knowthe magick
is right here i love

celebrating this knowledge i love

that i don’t hve to vee

feel bad i get to feel the
feeling get to feel goodn

i get to say yes thank you

i get to say yes thank you i love
standing up to my thoughts i lve

standing up to my thougts i love
that i ge tto feel the feeling

i get to make the choice for

i love that i get to make
the choice i get ot say
to say yes tank you

thnak you i get to say yes
thank you i lovethat i get to
feel the feelin i

i get to practice saying
thank you today

today intend to look for
thing to say

be grateful for i love
that inw its

its alwayas in the flow the feeling
feeling is alwys right here i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i’ve let that go i love

that i can refuse to suffer i love that
i don’t have to care i love that
i can just


i love that

i can just trust i don’t have to
want i love doing the work to feel good
and allowing the rst to f

to fall into place i love
that the

grave is alw

the gravy is already made

i love this feeling of focusing
ont h magick i know i can just say
yes thank you and focus on the


yes thank you
i love that i can say

yes thank you anything
if it is


i love that i am god in human form
and everything is always going my way

thanks god

for everything