i can choose to interpret life how i wish

it feels good to feel good
and i get to make the choice i get to choose
how i feel i even get to choose
other people’s intentions

i get to choose and i choose
the other side of the wave i choose
the side of the wave

i choose the side of the wave i want i love
that i get to choose the flow i get to choose
the feeling and the feeling is all that matters
i know that what i look for i see
and when i feel bad

i push things away i know i already
made it i know i already have everything i could possibly need

i know i love that i don’t have
to care i love that i get to celebrate my life
in this right now i ove t
i love that i get to feel good
right now i love that i know life
already worked out for me

i love that i know life already worked out
for me i love the power of the focus i love
the power of the focus i love
the power of the flow i love

the in and out of life i love

i keep my mind
and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focus
on the god within as the only
cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my affairs
as the substance of all things

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me

i love feeling the flow i love
the power of the focus i love the power
of the focus i love

the power of the focus i love
that i’ve moved on i love having fun i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that its

easy for me to move on
and not be attached i love
that we left on good terms
i love that i am loved i love
that its an

indicator i love that i know
i am loved i know i am loved

but i’ve let that go
and i don’t have to care i am releasing
old patterns in my life and i know
i don’t have to be


to be validated

i knw that it comes from
wtihin and i get to choose
the feeling i get tcho

to choose how i feel and
when i choose that feeling
the flow wol



when i send the signal of yes
the universe responds with yes
and i know the best thing
i can do is not care so

i transmute the energy into good feelings
good feeling energy i choose the
way i want to feel about that
and i don’t have to let it make me feel bad

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world becaues i know i am the creator

i get to c hoose how i feel
and i get to choose how the world
unfolds in from on

front of me i love that i
get to choose the feeling i love
that i get to choose
the feeling i love that i don’t have
to care i love

that i get to choose i love
i love that i get to choose
which side of the wave i focus on and the
affects how i feel and how i feel

affects my life
so i make the choice to feel
good about that

to make the choice to align myself with the side
of the wave the side of the wave
that feels good i love that i get to make the choice

and refuse to suffer i love that i get to make
the choice to refuse
to suffer

i love my life i love the
good life i love waking up feeling good i love
when i get to make the breakfast i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to feel good about

me i love that i get to life my life
as me feeling good feeling free i lo