i can do it

i can let go and release and
allow life to flow through me
i allow life to flow through me
allow god to reise

rise i allow

allow god to just be just
accept life as it is and just
do my best to stay connected to the
god self becuaasee it

it’s all i can do

align the particles

take responsibility for my particles
and then allow them to align
allow them to align
make the choice
for how the will align and kow that
and know that


make the choice take responsibility for the particles
and that is my choice
i can choose to let go of intrusive thoughts

i can align the particls
and it

feels much better than just
thinking that they are acting


with reckless

i get to choose and
i can always come back to focus on
that knowing on that

knowing the one simple truth of life
and that is

that my source is in my conection

with the knowledge of the
and everything else in life


from that

it’s here now it’s here now
it’s here now and there’s
nothing the mind can do

but cease
to allow peace to allow peace in my life
to allow peace
the mind must cease

i know this i know this to be true and i know
i can allow the thougths
to slip away to allow myself to
be nothing
and everything all
at once to find th

it’s here now
am i?

it’s here now
am i?

it’s here now
am i?

am i here now am
i present am
i present in the m

this moment am i resonating
with life in this moment
am i allowing life in thisoment
this moment
am i allowing life
in this moment

it’s here now and so am i

it’s here now and so am i
only me only me
none of the added stuff

just the sent
center of me the pure me the

infinite me and i know that
when i look at

when i trun

turn toward it
i turn away from it
i know that i can just allow
life to unfold as it may i know

that i can just allow life
to unfold as it may
i can allow life to unfold as it may
i can invent the version i want to see
i can

focus on love i can resonate
with love and know

that is the secret to life
that is the answer to life

to resonate with love

and that’s all i can do
to feel at ease
i choose ease

because it’s always a choice
you can choose

to wonder or fear
or you can choose alignment
with self and with god
in the here and now

trusting everything that
is trusting everything that
is and just allowing the thoughts
to leave becuase

because i don’t need them
i can just focus within
i can just focus wihtin
i can

just focus within
i can focus within ic an fo

focus within
allowing the god self
allowing the puer se

pure self allowing the

knowing self

i can always find center
relax into center relax into the version i prefer
and i know it’s jut ath

just that easy and i know
from life experience
i nkow that

it’s kind of like a puzzle
because the mind is


to thinking
to thinking
it can figure everything out
so like the puzzle
is to trick the mind
and its the mind that even
thinks its a puzzle

because it’s really not

it’s simple

it’s not a puzzle

it’s a switch

there aren’t pieces or steps

clues to figure out
or codes to crack

it’s a flip of the switch
on or off
in our out

here or there.

you’re wither
either in or you’re out and i’m

that’s it
in or out

no journey
just in or out

on or off
are you on or off in that thought pattern

it’s easy to see
easy the answer is always easy
it’s always

painfully obvious

and there’s route to on


so grateful for where i am
for the way life worked out for me
for the knowledge

i have the knowledge
i have the knowledge
i have

the knowledge i get to
relax into the
here and now

knowing ther eis only here and now
there is only
what’s in front

of my face there is only
here and now
there is only this

here or now?
it’s not up to me
it s

its is
but it ins

isn’t the more i get out of the way
the more the magick ofl ife
does it for me
i know that i can
get out fo

of the way i love that
i can get out of the way
i love that i

can get out of the way ght
that i get to choose love
in this here and now

i’m here now i’m here
now i’m here now

here now
and that’s all i need to know
it feels good to
take up
int he p

in the present
to separate my
well being from that
of others and know that
they can

care for themselves
i can only ever be
here now
i can only ever
be here nwo

i can only ever

be here now
i can

relax into the present
i can
relax into the present knowing that
everything that happens
is what happens and there’s nothing
i can do about it

i allow it i allwo the
i allow life to unfold.