i can do it!!

grateful for this day
to lal

allow myself to feel good and that’s all it is

an allowance
a releasing of resistance
and an embracing of the

the gifst from god saying yes to the gifts from god
knowing that there
area lwaya alway s

it feels good to remember the feeling to know that
my consciousness of the god self within me

my source and my supply

remove my awareness from it remove my consciousness from it
and i know that its only ever me

grateful to feel the feeling of celebrateing
allow myself to feel the feeling of


suspend my disbelieve that life is good and i deserve it!!

i love that i know lfe i

llife is good i love that i know life is good and
i deserve it i love that this work always works

i get to
at any time i can suspend my disbelief

i can choose teh feeling i want to feel i can
embody the feeling i want to feel i love that
i can always do this work and feel this feel the
feeling of knowin gmy


through my consciousness of my god self

i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply thus
my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

the very substance of spirit
this very substance of spirit

and it just takes a little be of focus and attunement to get right back to this spot

the place of knowing

so grateful for this day for

alll the blessings so gratefl i get tofeel
feel the energy right now and i know that it’s ala

alawys the energy an i love that this worksi love that
i feel it now i love that
i get
get o feel t

i get to feel the energy of now i get to
feel the energy of no i

now i get to feel the
energy of now i get to
feel the energy of now i get to feel the


i get to choose the energy i get to allow the
eenrgy i get to get out of the way of the
energy i get to get out of the way

of the energy

i love the feeling of the eerngy and
best of alll i love that it works i know that it works
and if ever the energy

seems like its not th

there sometihng i
something is blocking it
and i can always release whatever is
blocking iit

i can do it i can celebrate life i can
feel good i can feel the eerngy
of life flowing theo

through me i feel i g

i feel energized by life i feel energized by life

the focus and the eerngy
and its always here im celebrating this awesome day!!

im celebrating the gifst i’m
celebrating the gifs i’m using the
im using the 12 disciplings

i’m allowing life to flow i allow
life ro
to flow i relax into the her eand now

i relax i releax i relax i ease and lfow
i know the truth i relax into the truth i relax in the

cloud of forgetting
and float on the cloud of truth
i relax i let all the rest go dna

and remember the feeling of life
that you dont think your way to the feeling you
dont think your way

to the feeling of love the feeling of

god and i get to feel it
right now

the feeling is always here the feeling is always
here and its just a feeling
but the feeling is

the secret to life and its really only this one feeling
that’s all there really is and its the feelign of love
and if you have that you have it all

and the feeling of knoiwng that
you already have it all

it’s provided that life is so much
grander than we think
so much more than we think

so so so so so much more than

corporations and war
just fucking stop

just stop just stop fucking participating in it

take a step back take a fucking step back and ask yourself
if the miracle of life was set up for this?

and if its as arbitraty as some blieve even
more reason to not spend it … being a wage slave

the energy is always here and
i allow myself to feel it
to celebrate to celebrate this day

to celebrate everything going my way
to celebrate the energy flowing

i celebrate the energy flowing i celebrate the

energy flowing i celebrate

the god energy that is with me always
i say thank you i say thank you

i put the cloud of forgetting beneath me
i choose teh side i want to feel i choose the sid ei want to feel

to feel the abundance to be grateful for the abundant giifts of god

so grateful for the magick of the moment
that we can get whole foods delievered!!

to not have to go to sal!
to love my house!

to get my work done first thing!

for my family who loves me
that we get to get a freezer!
and the outlet in that room!

i feel it i feel the lifting i feel the
release i feel the knowing i feel the

feeling i want to feel i feel the
feeling that is the secret i know its only ever me only i could so


only i can resist

i feel the feeling the feeling of magaiick

so grateful andrew is doing well
so grateful life is good for him e
so happy for spencer in his endeavors

so happy for ryan in his endeavors

so happy for dad in his endeavors

so happy for mom and all that is going well for her and her endeavors

so grateful we know our neighbors
so graetful to love wher ei live
to knkow wh

we have the perfect little neighborhood

i know that it’s onlly ever what i conceive it to be

its only ever what i conceive it to be

i know that its only ever mea n

and i am the creator through life experience through
desire life already knows what i want
i love that i get to feel the feeling of love
feeling the feeling of love

knowing that is my source

and my supply