i can do it

i can choose the feelign i choose the feelign now i create the feelign now i know
i can hoo
choose the f

thank you for the flow flowing for the energy flowing
how long til i can blame something otusie osf me
ia nd
i knwo tis alwm always me
i know that i m
am and that’s all there is i
dont havet to hik about i dont havet o care

the solution is always
in the silnece i
the solution is always

in the silence the solution
si in the silence and i know this i nkow the solution is a
always here

i nkow the
everything always just is i know that
the mood is thew hite
white ht p
path to the source the

the mood is the white sou
hot line to the source white hot line
to the sourcce

white hot line to the source

i know that this work is all there is
i nkow that the feeling is all there is
i know that th

the feeling is all there is

i know i know
i know this is the only work the feeling is
only work i now that
i can allow the resolution i know the
resolution is there

i know the resolution is

the resolution is there is there
resolution is there

solution isn’t in the mind the solutino
ins’t is
isn’t in the mind
the solution will

never be in the mind the
soluiton will

i knwo the solution
is here and now
the solution
is here and

the solution is here and now

this is the only work i know this is the
only work i now this is the only

the osluio
solution is in the silence

id ont even care
i just h
weeant t

want to feel good
to feel good g
to feel godo

to feel good to feel good
to feel
feel good to feel good to


i get to choose what i create and i know
ti si
this i kwno that everything is unfolding
i knwo

i know that everything
is unfolding


the anser is alawys in the silence
the anser is always

in the silnece and thas’ all that matters
all that ever matters

behind all the thoughts
its never in the thoughts its never in the
thougths its never in the thoughts

its only ever me

all i can do is
listen for this silence right now
i cant decide anything about the future

i dont knwo why i feel like this
attentoin creates breathe in and a breathe out

i feel so trapped i feel trapped

i feel so mad and sad and depressed and angry and i dont know what to do

jut turn the boat just
choose how i want to feel

just choose

to create the vresion i want
its esay

to just let it go
that is my power and if i feel bd its becaues im not using my power im
not with god
god im not using my power im not with tog
god im not using my power

home is god going home is goingto god all ic an do is god to god

god is the silnece god is the me
behind thingking

theres not no me theres no separeat me

thre’s only the silnec behind the thoughts
all solutions life th

lie there i know thats all there is
that’s all c
i can ever to
do go to go return to god do the work
do the tof
the focus the focus is whats missing the focus is what
feels l

missing is whta feels like rageand
depressions is me its me its whre i choose to
place my energy its hwo
i decdie to feel whre i decide to focus ifm

if im usingm y power or not is
its up to me if im using my power or not

i dont have to do anything i dont have to change anything

i dont hae to decide t
ust trut life just trust life