i can do it

i can stop thinking tha’ts all i can ever do is stop thinking i can stop
thinking i can check out of thinking i can stop

creating the problems i htink i have i can
stop creating them i can choose to have a good day
i can hoose
choose to have a good i h

i don’t have to think about that i dont have
to care i don thave to invent conflict
i dont have to invent conflict i can
choose to feel good now i can
choose to feel good now

i exist is all that matters the fact that ie xist is all that matters

i can allow the flow fto flow in i allo
the flow to flow in i allow
to flow in i allow the flow to come
flow throughme i accept everything that i si i
accept everything that is i accet the flow

i acceet how feel i embrace fully how i feel how i feel

its always me its never them i can flip the switch its easy
to trun the boat right now
tis easy to turn the boat right now

tis easy to turn the boat right now
tis esay to feel the way i prefer to feel i can
always choose to feel the way i prefer to feel its always

its always me creating it its always me
creating it i up to me to dceide ina di now this

i nkow this i nkow tis

its this

change only ever comes with a change incon


i can do it i can not
not make it into a thing i can feel
the way i would feel if nothing was ever a thing
i can choose
to feel love right now i can
choose to feel love i can

choose how i would feel in a perfect world i can choose
that feeling here and now i can
choosee how i waould
would feel in a perfect world i get to choose

hoaw i would feel in a pefect world i can
feel better ic an hoos to feel better
i can choose to feel good today i can
choose to

feel better today ican

choose where i place my attention

i can do it i can do it i can
feel better i feel good i feel love i now that its my choice
whre i go its my choice where my mind goes
here my feeling god ies
its how
my choice how i feel its my choice how i eel

is alays its ways
always my shoc
choice its never outside of me ts always
this work that tis missing

tis alwys this work that si
that is missing nothing is ever missing besideds god and i now
this as soon as i turn towawrd god i change my life
as soon as i decie how i f
want to feel i cnah

change my life i choose to feel good and i now tis
that esay just flipp the swithc

just flip

the swithc

its me its me tis me choosing
tis me looking for problems that
don’t exist nothing
eer happene

choose knowing noth

no thinkgin find the solution in the slinece
solution is always ni the silence

the silence that’s all there is
there’sn oeve
thinking never solves it i can
check out of thinking i know that i can
feel better i nk
i now tis possible its possible i nkow tis possilbe

i can feel good i can relesae its all
all release all the gulls
bullshit i can releae all the bullshit
i acn feel good about mysel fi get
t o feel good aobut myself i get to
feel good i get to feel good i get to feel

i know the power of me i now the power of me
i know tis me i nowits mei
i now its me i now its only ever me

i forgot for a second bt now i remember i get to choose
i get to feel the way i want to feel
to know that it already is
i knwo that it alreayd is i knwo that its hi

this is my chance to fix it to now it was nevver broked

to not aking
make it into a thing i nkow its i knwo tis not h

i can do it i can feel better i have a good
attitude i have good attitud
i want

i want to have fun im

i’m feeling optiimistic

its never outside of me and that is the fallacy

its nevver outside o fme
and i nkow this i decie here and now
tis that
easy life is god

i know that life loves me i now that

loves me
i know that she loves me
i kno that

today i am present im doig the work
to feel better and i now is eay

its esy ist just a mater of focus
of what i think about
i nkow that

tis only ever me its me creating it
its me creating it

its me creating it its me creating
i now its only ever me its never them



its never them its me and i choose it
here and now
i love

that life is fo
good for me i love that life is alwyas owrks

working out for me i love that
i ge tto feel good now i love that
i get to fix it easily
i love that its nothing i lov ehtat i don t

i dont have to make it a thing
i can ignore it and it goes away i get to feel
goodn ow i
i get to feel good no ti
get i t foe
to feel the feeling ow

the feeling i want to fel

how i feel is how life is going to play out and i now that
i nkow that i am the poweer ful
creator of my life experience