i can do it

i can do it i can do it i can
do it can get there i know i can

get there i know i can get there and i know

i know i can get there i can do it can
let it go i can let it go and trust the

here and now

so grateful to
trust the here and now
to go on a walk and
get to buy
vegan food and see our

friends so graetful
there is so much to be grateful for
to get to walk through town
to get to support small business

to order bagles for the first time!!

to be cooked for all day!
to have work!!

so grateful we are back on the project!
to see rose and give her her prestn!

to see nora and give her her present!

so grateful fort his
this day for this here and now

for wholesale orders!!

to be busy again so grateufl
to love being bust
to be int he flow of to be int he
flow of gr

travelling to be int he practice
of looking for what i want to see

to remember that attention creates
so graetful to do this work
this work

this work is all i need i know the


is the drug i love that i know life is

enough i love that i know life i magick i love the
better ig ets i love

that i am feeling more andmorea
int he flow i know the i
that i can do it
i love that
i’m feeling good i
feel at ease i lovethat
the feeling of rfeeling at eas e

in my life