i can do it i can feel good now

feel the flow right now feel god right now
remember the god self tap into the god self i can
always feel the god self in this here and now
allow the god self to flow i can

always access the god self tune myself to the god self
say yes thank you i can always sya

say yes thank you allow the energy to flow allow the flow
to flow allow the good life to flow

all life to flow allow life to say yes ia

allow myself to say yese to life

feel my way back to god feel god now dasy

say yes thank you yes thank yo t

to the god self for teh god self
as the god self i feel

connected and connected is a choice i can mae in e

in every moment i choose to feel tuned i choose
the tuning i choose the tuning

i say yes to life i say yes
to feel good to feeling the god self

releasing teh rest i say yes to the
numbers because its all an average
and when

i spend my time paing

bringing my attention to god
then i feel good when

i see god in my lifei know this is just
an average so i

am deliberate about where i place my attention

where i choose to playce

place my attention i love that i get to choose
i can always love for my energy that i can al


let the rest go that i get to choose what
what i pay attention to and know that my life
is just an average of the things i pay attention to

i know thisi know th

i know this i love that i know this love
that i know the secret to life and i can always tune myself
to the knowledge of the secret of life

i get to choose i get to choose where
the focus lands where the energy lands where the god lands

i get to chosoe the god self alignment
with the god self alignment with the god self alignmetn
with the god self

i get to choose the

god self right now i get to choose to feel godo right now
to align with the energy

to allowt he energy to flow through me i
get to celebrate i get to celebrate this moment
celebratet his moment

celebrate this here and now
i get to say yes to this here an dnow
i get to allow the flow

to flow i get to allow the
flow to flow

i get to allow the flow to flow

i know that the energy always flows i know that the
enrgy always flows i know that the
god energy is always right here with me and i can
choose to feel good now i get to

choose to feel good now and allow the rest to fllow
i get to choose wh

the vversion i want and then

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose

how i feel i get to choose
how i feel i get

to choose how if eel

i get to choose how i feel
i get to choose to feel good to choose to feel
the energy of life flowing through me i get

to do this work the god work the only work
the swithc the

the motion of the swtch and

switch and t

its that easy is it on eth e
on the bus and i get to choose
to e on the bus

i’m on the bus

i can feel good now i can say

yes thank you i can say

yes thank you

i can say yes thank you i can
feel good nowi fe

i can feel good now just by flipping thes withc

i can feel good now just

i slip the

flip the switch and that is thep ower
of life

where i put my energy my attention
and how i feel iget t

i get to make the coic

choice how i feel ig et to lfip the

flip the switch i get to flip the swtich

get to choose how i feel i
get to choose how i feel

i get to feel og

god flip the god swithc
and its always that easy

i love that i get to choose love i love
that i
get to choose love that i get to

choose alignmetn in every moment that i
get to chosoe to feel good

that i get to hcooo

choose to feel good to

to feel good that i get to
choose to feel god

i get to flip the switch
and say thank you right now
i get to
feel the god self right now i

get to feel energized right now i get to feel good
right now i get to feel good
right now i get t

to feel the flow
right now

i get to flip the switch i get to
hop on the bus and i kow life
is just that esay i

i know life is just that easy i know

life is eays i know that life loves me i kno w
that life is alawys

in my favor i know that i am
god i know that it literally

is just an average i love that i know this
and that i get to chosoe i love that
i get to choose how i feel
in each moment

in each now in the infinite now i
can always choose to feel aligned

i get to flip the switch
in each moment and that is my power i get

flip the switch in each moment and
that is my power
that is my power

i get to feel ho

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose
how i feel i get

to choose how i feel i get to choose
how i feel