i can transmute the energy

only i can make the choice to feel good and i can do it
now i can choose to feel the at feeling now

and let the rest go
i just wish i knew

why am i feeling so bad?
and thinking about a photo of me
from two days ago when
i looked so happy

makes me feel sad

i feel rejected by the world
i feel

out of place in the world i feel
shunned by the world i feel

unworthy of the world i feel

dead to the world
i guess that’s my solution
die to the outside world

how could one thing
one event

send me spiraling

because i got caught up caring
and that’s all there is

i did what i said iw asn’t
wasn’t going to do

what i kept on thinking
about that i wasn’t going to

what you think
about you bring about

whether you want it or not
and that’s all

it’s a simple

matter of perception
it’s all perception

and the energy helps me
the energy helps me transmute

the energy helps me get there
helps me get there

get within

its a always a woman
who helps me get there

helps me go within
and i kept thinking

i’m not going to let it happen
this time

and it did because i thought
about what i wasn’t going to do

i’ve learned enough to know
not to care not to care

not to focus ont hos

thos things

on validation from other people
validation from other people
things outside of me

it feels like so much

old energy coming up
exactly what i tried to push away
and of course

i attract it

what is the new energy i am attracting??

the energy of me the energy of loving myself
of not looking outside of me for validation
that is what life is helping me do

life is helping me
life is helping me see the

the vibration i am sending out
and i know i can always wipe that slate clean

i can emit the clean vibration

it’s only ever me and i can

instead of thinking about what i
don’t want

i can focus on what i do a
dn i know

and i know that life is always helping me
life is always el

helping me turn the energy around
an up and a down
and up and

an up and a down and i’m so glad

i have this place to come

and talk it out with myse

i can always come here and commune with god
i canalways

always come here and feel the

energy commune with the energy
talk to the energy
know the energy feelt he

the energy and know that it’s all


it’s only ever me it’s only ever me

it’s only ever me and i’m so grateful i know this
so grateful the

the flow of life
helps me choose

so grateful the flow
of life helps me choose

i love myself and i love thatl ife is

is good forme i love that there is so much to love about
me and that’s

where my focus lies i know that life
is helping me ask
helping me

shore up a viibration

life is helping me
all my life experience ishelping

helping me

helping me be addicted to myself
to loveing loving myself
to my vortex to focusing

on how i want to feel
not how i don’t want to feel
i love that i get to feel good i love

that i get to feel good and i ght

tha i get to to do thei

this work i love that

i’ve let that go
and today i am communing with myself

so grateful the contast helps

contrast helps me focus
so gratefl to love to love who ia m

the contrast always elps
helps me remember who i am

how i want to feelwho i

who i amwan
want to be how i want to go through

this is he onl
the only work this is the only

work and

i don’t have to care

i don’t have to care

what anyone else thinks
or how anyone else feels i get to choose
i get to choose to trun

turn the focus


so grateful to have coem
far enough in life to know

how to

stay focused within
to choose the feeling within
to choose me

to own up to my feelsing

feelings to

yes i have feelings and i’m
trying to bury

i’m trying to push them away
because i don’t want to feel
attached i don’t

want to care aobut
about someone else’s actions

and what happens exactly that
i can feel that

what i kept thinking about that
i didn’t want

is what i brought about and i am
brave enought o t

to turn that energy around i am
brave engouth

enough o love to love me no matter what i am
brave enough to focuson what

what i do what

which is to love

ti’s al

it’s always easier to love to love
to love to love

i know the reason
it’s because i started caring
didn’t want to care
so i started caring
and it’

i know it’s just as easy to ocus
focus on what i do what

want which is having a good
easy life

distractions i love that
i know better i love that life experience teaches

i know that it’s only ever me
it’s only ever me i know that

life can only ever reflect me

i feel the god energy coming back into me

i know it left
i gave it away
but now i summoned it back

i’m so grateful i know the
feeling of i know the feleing of

feeling of me and i knkow that

that the love i seek
is always within
that it’s me
who gets to make the choice
to love

me i get to make the choice to love me
i feel empowered by that choice

more so than iwould
i would ever feel


something from someone else
and it’s easy to remember

it’s easy to

to celebrate the

contrast that helps me focus it’s easy to
feel good when i know that life
is always on my side
i know

with a down comes and up
and vice versa

i know that i’m

pushing down feelings
instead of owning up to them
i can just own up to them





i can still have the
upper hand on them

i can always trust the here and now