i dn’t have to figure out why

i can just turn the boat
right now i can always turn the boat right now i can
always turn the boat right now
i can always
turn the boat right now

i can always trutn back toard

towardd god at any moment i love that
i can alaways turn toward god i love
that i can alays turn the boat right now
and i don’t have

to figure out why and i don’t have
to get to the bottom of
anything i cna nust
i can just i can just i can

just i can just i can just i can just
i can just

i can always turn the boat
and just let it go

let go of the inner dialogue
know that
nothing matters and just

choose god right now i cana
always turn ro
toward god and it doesnt ‘
require an action

its a feeling and i know
its all me i know its me
i know it sme

my inner supply instantly and constnatly
takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply in action

its impossilbe fl
for me to have any unfulfilled

needs and desires

i can turn torwa

toward the vesion
version i prefer i can
turn toward the version i prefer
and let go fo

of the rest i lovee that
i know this i loe
that i know this
and my power is choosing the ease of this andn

not have to

having to figure out hwy
just move on
notice it and move on
i on’

don’t have to let anything
get to cme
to me and i can


always choose to feel good
ic an

can always choose to just let
it go and find

i can always return to god
to remember that nothing
can hurt me
can hurt


and i love that i know this
i love that i knkows

know this

my inner supply instnatly
and constantly takes on form and experience
according o mt
to my needsa
and desires and as the principle of supply
in action its impossible
for me to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

i can always run
turn the boat right now
i love that i know this
and i
that i can
i get to choose the energy of the
the here and now i get to
choose the

energy of the here and now i

can always turn the boat
turn the focus within remember woh i

i really ami can
can alwaysa align
can always align

can always
can always return to center
and feel the feeling of
love and only i can choose it
i choose th feeling of lfov

love only i can choose the feleing
of love only i can choose the feeling ofl voe

of love

i love that it’s easy to return
to god treutn
return to center
and let everything go
and i love that i know

this ist he treal the real work

is to always return to the here and now
and i love that i can choose it right now

choose love right now
let go of the rest and choose love
and the more i choose it

the easier it gets
and the more real it feels it
feels good to feel good

i did good i’m getting better
i am aware of how i feel
i am ware that

that i am the source i am
aware that i am the source
i am aware i know i am

i know i am the source
i know i am the source

i know its within me
i know i am the sourcei know
i know i am the source i know

i am the source
i take responsibility for that
for how i feel i take responsibility

for how i feel i

do the work the
to feel good i do the work
to feel good

becuase i want to feel good and
nothing is going to do it for me
i love that i know this i love
that i get to have
i love that i get to have fun

all that matters is how i
feel i get to choose i get to choose
it feels good to choose
it feels good to choose how i
want to feel

just chosoe it

not need any conditions
not need
to figure anything else out
just choose it now
just choose
the feeling now the
alignmetn with
god right now

return to love

return to love i can always
return to love return to focus

return to the frequency of god
and it’s

up to me to it’s up to me
where my focus is

and what i focus on


i know this i know this
and i am brave enough to look toward god

i want to feel good i want to enjoy
y life

my life i wnat to have fun
i want to have fun

it just doesn’t matter
and i’ll never figure it out
i can

all i can do is feel for god

for god for the truth

i know that it just doesn’t matter
and no matter what it

reflects me i get to choose i
get to choose and celebrate that choice i
get to choose to f

feel good now i get to choose
to feel now i get to
choose to feel good now

feel good now

instantly and constantly
instantly and constantly

instatnly and constantly

instantly and constantly