i don’t have to think about it
i don’t have to think about it
i can just enjoy the here and now
and know the universe is taking care of
it that the flow will do the work and i will
just get out of the way
the flow will do the work
the flow will do the work
the flow will do the work and i can get out of the way
i can get out of the way
i know everything is working out
for the best
i don’t have to care and i can choose
to enjoy my day in the here and now i can
enjoy the moment i can look the other way
i can feel the way i prefer to feel i can choose the
feeling i prefer i can choose the feeling i prever i
i choose the feeling i prefer i choose to feel
aligned with source i choose to feel
aligned with source i choose to
feel yes i choose to align i choose to align i choose to align i choose
to align i choose to align i choose to the feel the
feeling of yes i choose not to care i choose
not to care to remember i am
the source of the annoyance
and that i can choose
to enjoy this day
i don’t have to think about it right now
i don’t have to care right now i don’t have to think about it
right now i don’t have to care right now
i don’t have to care
i can feel the feeling of connection i an
can feel the feeling of connection and knowing that
it doesn’t matter
it’s not my problem i know i always
do my best and life will
figure it out ofr me i
for me i can let it go i can
let it go i can let it go
i know that i literally do not have to care
and this work helps me do that i can
celebate th
celebrate the now
this helps me be gratefulf or what
for what i have to focus on what i want
more of it feels good to focus
on what i want more of i t
it feels good to focus on
what i want more of
it feels good to focus on what i want more of
grateful that i get to shore up my vibration
grateful for themore i am
i am learning
knowing that it can only ever reflect me
it feels good to noticea nd
and choo
to choose to feel how i want to feel to choose how i wan to feel
to feel about it to choose how i want to feel about it
i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care
i don’t hve to
have to care i don’t have to care
i get to focus on the
version i prefer i get to focus
on the version i prefer it
i get to focus on what i want to see more
of i love that i get to
to make that choice i love
this is the coice i
choice i get to make i love that
it’s not my problem i love that i
i can just choose to not
pay attention to it and to choose
alignment in this here andn ow
i can choose alignment in this
here and now
to choose alignment i thi
in this here and now to choose to
the feeling i want to feel
to choose
the feeling i wnat to feel to feel for what i want to feel
and know that the feeling will come
the right time will come
the feeling the feeling is right now
i now that
don’t have anything to do with the
feeling of connection i get to choose the
feeling of connection in this here and now
it feels good to commune with self to
release resistance
to say yes thank you it feels good to
choose gratitude
it feels good to choose gratitude
to choose the side of the wave i prefer
to choose what i am looking for to choose soething
something to be
grateful for to choose something to be grateful for
i love that it’s working out i ilove
that she figured out how to do it herself!
i love that i know
ti’s a
it’s all what i look for it’s all what i look for it’s a
all an attitude of gratitude
i love that i can alwys l
always look for what i want to see
i can always look for something to be grateful for
i can alwys release resistance
i an alwys let it go i can alwys do
this sowk
work and feel etter
better i feel good i feel the feeling of taking the leap into
into saying thank you into
not letting things
disturb me
of knowing that everything is always working out
of not allowing myself to be annoyed to taking
everything in stride.
they should stop pressing me
and asking for things out of line
is it true no
i should stop pressing me
and having unrealistic
expectations of myself
i always do my best and the
flow is unfolding at exactly the perfect rate
i am compassionate toward myself
and my abilities
i know i am alwaYs doing my
absolute best
and my only job
is to enjoy this here and now
to nkow
to know that the contrast helps me ask
and i don’t want to feel annoyed
i want to feel at peace
the contrast is helping me feel peace
me feel for the easy unfolding of things
helping me shore up my vibration for what i want
for what i like for what
i want to see more of i know that
i can always look toward what i want to see
i love that i always get it