i don’t have to be afraid of doing the work

i know the work always works

the work always

works and life always
unfolds accordingto

how life is going
to allow it to unfold i love
tha ti just
don’t have to look at
it and and

it will figure itself
out i love that life
is figuring itself aout
i love that

it always
happens in the flow i love
that i know life happens
when i least
expect it l

life flows to me i know
its all a feeling and i get to choose
tof eel
the feeling i know that

that life is a feeling and
i get to feel good i love that i
get to feel the feeling
of knowing that

i love that i get

can look with love i love taht i
can love versions of myself
i love that i love that i

can choose to think about love
all the time i love that
i can be brave enough to send the
of yes

yes yes yes

thank you yt

thank you
thank you

i love this life i love

i know

i know i just can’t look at it
make the choice of the
outcome i want
and then ijust don’t look at i love
that power of not looking
at it i

love the freedom of creating with my mind i love
the freedom
of creating

i love making the choice
to feel good i love that the

contrast helps me come
into alignment with what i really want
i love
feeling free i

love that iknow i am as free as i want to
be ilove that i knowi already
have everything tat

that mattes

matters and i get to say thank you
i love that i know its only me i know

i odn
don’t have to be afraid

of feeling good