i don’t have to care

i can still choose to enjoy life
and that is my power i can choose to say yes
thank you to everything that happens
and that is how to enjoy life

don’t let anything affect your enjoyment
of it and that is wheat i am
am really working on what
is getting easier is not allowing outside
events to affect how i feel to

i get to choose to feel good any way
i love that i get to make the choice i love
feeling like i am worth it i love
that i know


i deserve a good life i deserve to relax into my life
and enjoy it i deserve to feel good in my life

and ik now that is my birth right
and each day i let go of more and more of the bullshit
and more andmore

enjoyment of life comes through

today i get to enjoy life today i
get to let go today i get to be
my best self today i get to feel good
to rise up to

to lift up my mind and heart to raise my vibration
today i get to raise my vibration today

i take responsibility for how i feel

today i make the choice to feel
how i want to feel and i know i don’ thave to let outside
things affect me

i can just turn my foucs turn my attention
toward not caring i know i have the owe

the power to not care to not care to not care to not
care i have the power to not care i have te powe4r to not

care to enjoy life anyway

to get in the vortex and then to get in the
vortex and to get inthe vortex and then

i don’t have to care i don’t have to care i
don’t have to care i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care

i can choose to look past it i can choose the vibration
i know i can choose what i want to see and i can say thank you

for the contrast that helps me focus i can do the work
the only work that mattes the

the only work that matters and ik now for
a fact that i can look for what i want to see i kow i can

i know i can do it and i can say thank you to the contrast
that makes me focus it feels good to

say yes to me to feel good about me
to do me and not
care about the rest it feels good to stand up for myself
and how i want to feel it feels good

to make the choice for me

it feels good to make the choice
to allow the contrast to help me focus
onthe ot
on the other side and

resent the contrast
but say thank you to it to know that
i can either

allow it to fall out of my vibration
or allow myself to not care

either way i don’ thave to care

either way i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care i don

can do the work i can do the work i can do the work
and know that ia m always

doing the work and the work

the contrast is helpig me i

is helping me it the contrast
is always helping me or

and i can either accept it
or resist it and i know where resisting gets me

soi learn to accept it i ealearnt
i learn to rise above it

i learn to elevate my heart and mind
and i love that i can do it i

love that i can do it i canfeel t
fee the

feel the other side of the wave i can
feel the other side of the wave i can
feel the other side of the wave i feel
the other

i can say thank you i can say thank you
to go i can focus only on god i know that
my only gosu

focus is god i know that god is always here with me
and i can just to focus on
my relationshiop with god
and i don’t have to care about anything
i can just let the rest go and focus
on my

relationship with god i am focused on god
and i don’t care aobut a

anything else i don’t care i don’t have to care i

can focus on the other side of the wave i can
on the other side of the wave

i can do it i know that this is my
challenge and i kow i can
i know i can do it if

i odn’t

don’t like it i can create different energy
i can look for something else and i know

that is my choice and i know the
contrast helps me remember that
so i can say yes to the

contrast i know that all i can ever do is
say yes to the contrast i kno all i can
ever do is

yes thank you
and feel how i would prefer to feel

say yes to the contrast and
allow myself to transmute the energy
say yes to the contrast
and make the choice to feel good

all i can do is me all i can feel is me
the only thing that matters is me

how i feel and it’s mychoice

my choice what i focus on it’s my choice
i know that i get to make to eh choice

the choice for how i feel i get to

make the choice i get to make the choice
to focus only on god
and the rest will work itself out

i know that is the only action i can
take is

is to take it up with god and
allow god to help me feel how it feels

allow god to help me feel how it feels