i dont have to ccare

i dont have to create problems i dont have to create problems

i dont have to care i dont have to think i never have to think
i never have to think i never have to think

i dont have to think i dont have to
think i dont have to think
i never have to think i never have to think i never
have to think i never have to think just
be id ont have

to care i never have to care i dont have to
care i dont have tot hink about it idont have to think about it

just choose to have a good day instead
just choose god instead that’s all ic an

do is tha’ts all i can do is
that’s all i can do is


there’s only one truth and its god
ther’es only

one truth and its god
ther’es only

one truth and its god
i now this i know this
i know this i know this
i kno wthis

i know there is only one truth and its god i now there

i know her
there is io n
only one truth ok

be it be it it
be it i stand by it i
didn’t do anything wrotng
all i did was answer the question
but you didn’t like the answer

i dont have to care
about anything i can just focus
on me i can focus on how i feel
alll i can do is focus on
how i feel all i

can do is focus on how i feel
how i feel how i feel
how i feel

i know its only
ever me i know its only
ever me its
the feeling of me its
the feeling of god
the feelign of god flowing
is me

is god flowing?
then i am here i am in alignment
i amflowing with life

is god flowing?
can i allow god to flow?
yes i can allow god to
yes i

can allow god to flow id ont have
to care
i dont have to care
i dont have
to care

i don thave to care

i dont havee to care
becuasea its not my por

i dont have to ccare i dont have to care becasue
tis not my problem i dont have
to care becuase its

i want to have fun i wnt to enjoy the day
i wwant to have tufn fun i want to enjoy
the day i get to enjoy the day

i get to enjoy the dday i get to enjoy the day i get
to enjoy the day i get toen
enjoy the day

is god flowing get out of the way
and allow god to flow get tus
used to the feeling of god fowing

i know its me i know its me i know
the feeling of me i nkow god is me i know
nothing else matters the level of god
is all there is

the level of god is all
there is the level of god is all there is the god flowing through me
is all there is

that’s the only work that is the only focs that is the only feelig i

hdont hae
to care about anything else i dont have to think about anything else
just get used to the feeling of god

flowing just get used to the feeling of god flowing
just get used to the feeling of god flowing

it doesn’t matter nothing matterse
nothing matters nohting matters

nothing matters nothing matters

i know it doeesn’t matter
i now
its doesn’t m

i dont have to think i never have to think
i dont have to think i never
have to think i never

have to think i never have to think
i never have to think i never have to hink

think i have god that’s all i need i never have
to care about the rest i never have to care about the rest

i have tod god that’s all that matters i know that
god takes care of me i nkow that god takes me where i want to go

i know that god carries me i now that god is life
i know i nd
iddi’t do anything wrogn
i didn’t do anything wrong

i dont have to care i get to enjoy
my day its not my problem

ram is all there is
not thinking is all ther is
if the chatter is missing so is the
ego and i nkow tis
its only

ever me

god is all there is god is all
there is god is all there is

god is all there is god is all there
si god

god is all there is i kow this i knwo
all there is is the feeling

i dont have to care i don thave to hik
just enjoy this moment just

exist here and now tha’s all there is
just exist here and now
and that’s all here i there is there is
that’s all there is just exist

no mind no misery
i knwo this i nwo tits all made up its all made up i didnt even do shit

i didn’t even do shoth
shit id idn’t even do shit

all i need is god all i need
is god i all i need is god all i need is god
i need is god iall
all i need is god

i dont have to care i dont have to
care i never have to care i never have to
carea ll i have is god
all i am is god all i am
is god all ia m

is god is god is god is god
is god

i dont have to think
i dont have to care

don thave to think
i never have to think i never have to care

i never have

the only feeling is god