i dont’ have to hang on to anything

i don’t have to feel bad
i don’t have to hang on to anything i don’t have
to be right i can feel i can feelthe

tention in my chest from

hanging on

holding on

tight to something and i casn
feel that is a choice
a subconscious choice

and i do kind of feel bad
for my actions

i’m sorry i love you please forgive me
thank you

i’m sorry i love you please forgive me thankyou

i know i shouldn’t be mean i know
i don’t have to act out and ai

from now on, i will be mor epea

more peaceful
and i know

i love that i don’thave to
cae i

i dn’t have to let this contintue

to be my version i get to
create my version i get to
create my version i
get to create

my version i get to create my version
and let go of the rest i get to let go of the

rest i get to let og fot the rest

i don’t have to stry

to try i don’t have to strain

i don’t have to try
i don’t have to strain

i love that i get to choose
not to care and that’s
how i ck

keep my power and inkow

i know that is my powre
i know that is my power

i know my power
is to keep my

the best thing i can do is make the choice
to have a good day now

what do i prefer??

i prefer to get along
i prefer peace

i prefer a love offering

and i will do that
and move on
i know that

all i can do all i can do is love
i know all i can do is love
i know

all i can do is love i nkow all
i can do is
love i o

i know all i can do is love

i send the signal of love
just mmoved on i’m
grateful to have the perspective to choose

grateful to have the perspective to choose
love to let

to let go in this here and now
and choose love to choose to have fun!!!

today i choose to have fun
and enoy life

today i can turn the boat and the contrast
helps me do that i know i can do

turn the boat i cna

shift the energy i nkow it’s
only ever me and i never to allow

anyone to


me feel a certain way

just let it go i know that
is my unu

number one power

that is my number one power
just let it drop

into nothing
let it drop into nothing

na dthe

and then just like that
i don’t care any more

just like that i don’t
care anymore

i know it’s only ever me
and i’m ok

i love the part of me
that likes fo fuc

to fuck with people
i love the part of me

that doesn’t give a fuck

i love he part
the part of me
that is good at it

my skill is letting it
go forever nothing

never thinking of it again
never thinking of it again

never caring
letting it go forever
and aligning with the version i prefer

i never have to think of it

and i’m grateful life helps me
see what i prefer and i can

always choose to go back to the version i prefer

i can always choose

to return to the versin

i prefer it’s easy to line
up wit th

the version i prefer
and practice what i preach

i guess

but she still deserves everything
she gets

but i know that’s not
going to

make anything better

i can do it i can
do it i can let

let it go and turn
my fcous

i can turn my focus i can
always turn my fcous

focus i can always turn my fcous
focus i can always
turn my focus

i cn alway

can always focus on something else i can

always focus on something else i can

always focus on something else i can

always focus on soemthing
else i love hat that

that that;s my poer

that i get to chosoe not

not to care and focus on what i want
more of i love that i cn

can vibrate her right the fuck out of my life

i love that i get to choose to do me
in this here and now
and love every aspect of myself

i love all of myself
and my actions i stand behind it
and now i’m moivng on

to this
this here and now

i cherish this here and now
and i release the rest i release the rest and
cherish this here and now i choose
love i nthis
in th

in this here and now
i choose love i choose
to send the signal of lov e
i choose to feel good
i choose

to feel good i choose
i choose
to feel good i choose love
i feel good i let go
i kep

keep up the good owrk i keep up the good work

i keep the pale


plates spinning

drop out
drop out

all i can do is drop out
all i can do is

drop out all i can do is
drop out and not

ever think of it again

watch it as if it is a movie

someone elses life

watch it as if it is someone
elses life

have a chuckle becuase life

isn’t serious

so grateful for what’s working!@!

so grareful for the amazing car we got!!!!

so grateful for a beautiful day !!

free form work and all my wrok is

work is done

so gratefl to talk to mky mom!!

so grateful i love our home
so grateufl
for peace in our homme

so grateful to get to make the cohcie

to drop out

to choose the version i want