i feel centered

i feel at ease knowing that
life is always going my way i feel at ease in
this here and now

allowing life to breath me
i know i don’t have to get anywhere
i don’ thave
i don’t have to achieve anything

i can simply relax and
enjoy this right now

i can turn my attention toward

toward god

i can always turn my tent
attnetion attention toward
god and let go iknow its
easy to turn my attention andl et
let go
i love that it just doesnt
matter i love that life
helps me feel at ease i love

that i can always choose ease in
this here and now i love the
better it gets i love that i never havet o
wonder i love that i am
how to let life to

do it i love that my contrast is a

valuable lesson in letting to i lo

letting go i love that i know life
is living me i love that its easyt o let go o fthe reast i know i

don’t have to hold on
i never havet o
to wonder and i can juuswt
feel the feeling of knowing

it sjust a preacticed vibration
a practiced

signal i send

i feel at ease in this
here and now because i know
life loves me i feel at
ease in this here and now

because iknow
i know life loves me

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know that
the divine prsence i am is the source
and substance of all my good

i lift up my mind and haert
heart to be aware to understand and
to know that the diine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good
i know i now
i know all aht
that matters is how i feel i love
the better it gets i love that i now

life loves me i love
that when i think about it
it comes i love that i know this

i love that i know
the power of me and i love how
easy it is to

drop down
to come to center and feel grounded i love
that its easy to feel grounded
in this here and now

i can always come back to center
i love that its easy for me to let
go i love that its easy for me to
not care i love that its easy

for me to drop it

to let it go i love that i can let
it go i love that i’ve let that go i love that
tis easy ti love th

i love the better it gets i love
that ive let that go i love that its that
easy i love that its my specialty

i love that letting go is my specialty!

i love that i’ve let that
go and i love that i make the choice to feel
good about that

because its all i can do i love
that i’ve let that go i lovet hat
i don’t have to care i love that i
get ot send the


the signal of love and that is

what is returned i love feeling good
i love knowing that my work helps peple
people i love connecting
i love that there is so much to love

i love that there is always so much to love

i’ve let go i love
i love feeling the feeling i love
feeling the feeling i love

sending the signal i loe that i know i

can drop a negative thought
pattern and choose love instaead
insead i

instead i love that its

always as easy
as coming back to center i love

that life loves me i know that life loves me i love that i know life

loves me i love that i know

life loves me i love hat i know that i know life
loves me i love that th

i love that i am here now

i never havet
to wonder about that i get to send the

signal of magick

i love that i’ve let all that go and i am
hre in

here inthis here and now i know that
all that matters is how i feel inthis here
and now i

never havet o
to feel stifled or cut off fom life
from life i knowt hat the flow is always flowing
and the more i turn my attention toward
the flow

the easier it flows i know i know that
life is always flowing the flow of well being
is always flowing and i love that its easy t

for me to let things go
to turn my attention to believe its working
to believe in improvement
to know that my attentoin is
my only job i love that its
easy to feel at ease and

the more i allow life to flow
the easeier it dows i
does i love

getting out of the asy
way i love that i’ve let that go

i love that i’ve let that go i love
that i’ve let that go
i love feeling good for me i love doing the
work for me i love feeling the magick
of life

flowing through me

i love feeling good
i love feeling at ease i love that
i’ve let that go

i just can’t think
negative thoughts any more

i let that go i love that it s
easy for me to chose the version i prefer
i love that i don’ thave to care
i love

that i’ve let that go i love
that i get to just

make the choice

just make the choice to feel at ease i’ve
made the choice to feel at
ease and not thinkg

let things bother me
not run thme over in my mind

just let them go

i just let it go and
then look

there it is