i feel good i feel the flow flowing through me

i feel the flow flowing through me i feel the
energy of this day and i love that i can always unapck the
energy i can always say yes to

what is i can always examine and it be like oh
i guess i am trying to control a lot of things right now

and then i can just let go !!

so grateful for the love letter the wife
wrote me in her dream
so grateful’

my writing isn’t stale
so grateful it’s fun and enlivening

so grateful i know i odnt have to do
anything or make anything and that’s

that it isn’t even up to me and i get o

just bask and enjoy

i love that the flow is flowing i love that
there is so much love i love that

we made it through!!

we made it through!
we didn’t die!!

so grateful for this day
we get to bask to

get to celebrate get to enjoy life
get to say yes to whatever comes

get to trust what whatever is
is perfect i love that i get to feel it
get to feel the release of not caring

of knowing i never have to care
i never have to dorce

force i never have to wonder and i love that
i get to choose i love that i dont have
to resist

i love that i dont have to force and
can just trust the feeling i love that i can
just trust the feeling i love that i
get to i love that i

get to just let it go and dont have to feel
pressure because of it becuase life will
do it the horses will do it
and it’s done

i also realiized there’s a lot of

i’m tyring to control an di never have to tryi to control
i can just eas e and flow i can asjuat allow it to be in the air

i love that i know that there’s no rush
and everything always unfolds perfectly i love that
i know life is a feeling not an action i love that
i know
i can’t force i love that i know this work works i love
tath i know

that i chose how i wanted to feel when i woke up
and then i did!

i know that it’s all about how i feel and
i get to choose how i feel aboutthat

graetful to be here doing the only work that matters
feeling the feelings of life
knowing that all of life is the feeling

the feeling of trust the feeling of knwoing
and i love that i get ot

i get to feel good today i
get to feel god today i get to be god today

today i get to feel the feeling of god
knwoing that god is everything

today i get to relax into the knowledge
today i get to allow get to say yes to it
today i get to say yes to it

i love that i get to enjoy the day
get to jump into the day i love that i get to

i get to allow i get to open
my window i get to open my aind


and know that it’s not up to me
to create anything just
allow just observve and allow

i ilove the

remembering the feeling of the release knowing its
not up to me and just getting to trust i love tha i get to
to trust i love that i
get to trust i love that
i get to trust i love that i get to trust
i love that i
get to

feel the feeling of the god self doing it
of it getting donw i love that i get to feel the
energy of life flowing throgh
ei love that ig et to say yes to it

i get to feel it
the enerrgy of life
i get to releax into it i

get to relax into it and allow whatever comes
i get to say yes to

whtever comes i know it doens tmatter

if it ever gets done i know that life knwons
and life will figre it out
i love that its not even me doing it i love that


dont’ have to do anything i love that i get to
celebrate that i love feel ing the
release i love that i know the truth and i get to practice it
i love that i know

it already is perfect and eo

doesn’t need input from me i love that
life loves me i love that i know life already love me i love that
i dont have to do

to do or make anything happen

its never about me making something happen
its never about me making something happen

i can ns

just releasae and allow i get to just
release and allow

i don’t care what happens!!

so graetful to get to do this work
and feel the release so
grateflt o get to ccelebrate th day !!

i get to feel good about that
i get to feel good about that

and know that its the holding on that

made me feel tight about it
and i’m so gratful i
unlocked it and i get to feel good
and celebra

celebrate life
celebrate me the god self me
that life is always providing for me

and none of the rest matters

so grateful ia m awre

i am aware of the energy of self i am
aware of the energy of self
and i get to choose the release and the rest fills in

i love that i know this tha i get to
let go so grateful to feel the feeling of letting go

of breathing easy
of releasing control i know it

my only power is letting go

my control is letting go my control is letting go
and its so good to remember that!!

to remember who i am to remember who

the power of me and know that its not
in making somethig happen
its in getting out of thew ay!!