i get to choose

that is the number on strength the number one powe
and i love that i fel that flowing through me i love that i feel the
feeling flowing through me i feel
the feeling of life
flowing through me i feel the knowledge i feel the god self
and all i can ever do is feel for the god sel f

all i can ever do is feel gof

for the god self

love that i get to choose
get to look at the god self
get to look at the self

as god fet to

get to know the self as god

i love that i get to choose that i
get to choose to feel good and know
that everything else some

comes form from that i love that i know this
that all of life is a feeling ilove
i lov that
i lovve

that i know that ht
that i get to feel good now and that
is my power

so grateful for this here and now
and that i get to choose how i see myself
that i get to choose to feel good and
refuse to feel bad that i get to remember who i am that i get to fcous
focus in the ehre and
here ans

and now that i get

to feel good now that i get to to
feel good now that i get to feel tood n
good now that i get o f

grateful frat

grateful for this moment
for feeling good for who i am
for where i am for all that lifef has
led up to

so grateful for shi

this here and now
for how fara i’

i’ve come for so much to appreciate

so grateful for to
so much to appreciate
so grateful for so
much to appreciate

so grateful i get to choose to feel
good i get to do the work
to feel good to feel good nwo

you have to think good about it and
and feel good about it then you
will see good about it
i love that i know ths i l
i love that i know i love
that i know

that if i think negatively about
myself that is what i see ilove t
i love that i know this
i love thait kno

i love that i know this i love that
i know this
i love
that i know that its’ all about how i think
and feel about the situation
and that is totally up to me
i love that i know this