i get to choose

how i show up in the world
i get to choose what i see
and that is based on what i look for

i love waking up feeling
good i love being in the practice of counting
i love that the wife helps me
every minute of
every day

be my best self i love the way
my life ended up i love that i get to make
the choice to live i love that i get to make the choice
to love my life to look for reasons to
live to want to live i love
that i get to make the choice

to look with love i love that i
get to make the choice to love

i love that i know i feel
better when i do the work and there is
only one work that matters
and that is this work i love
that i get to choose what i look for
i get to choose what i want to see

what i see just by looking
at it in my minds eye

whatever i choose to look at in my
mind’s eye is what i see in my life
experience i love that i get to choose
what i look for in my life experience and i love
that life loves me and gives me
whatever i want i love wanting to do the work
and being in the practice
of sending a clear strong signal i love

remembering who i am i love that i love
who i am i love thinking i love myself i love thinking

loving thoughts
about myself and my reality i love
that i feel at peace in my reality i love
that i feel at peace with what i already have
i love that there is already

more than eneough i love that
i love that i know everything is energy

its all energy i love that i know this
i love that i can

rest assured in this knowledge
that god is always providing

i love that i can celebrate this knowledge!!!

i love when people share the
event i love that i get to do what i want i love that its

coming together i love that life
is always coming together for me i love that life

loves me i love that i know life
loves me i love that i know

there is so much to love i love that i know
there is so much to love i love that i know
its all just energy and i get to choose
the energy i put out in the world
i love
that i get to give my talents

to help people

i love that i get to do good in the world
i love that i get to love myself i love

celebrating life right now i love that
i am brave enough

to celebrate life
right now i know i already have everything
right now and i am brave

enough to relax in the knowledge that
its only ever me i love that i know
life can only reflect me so if i send the clear


signal of yes

life has no choice
but to reflect that i love
feeling better i love
when breath

comes easily to me i love allow the
flow of well being and
allowing myself to love

today i make the choicet o love
today i make the choice
to love and i love that i’ve allowed

the unloving aspect
of my vibration
to exit the building

i love that

there is so much to love i love that i
get to send the signal of yes i love
that i get to feel better i love that i know its
up to me i love that i get to choose

the signal i send the
the more i practice sending the signal

letting go of thoughts that
will just create what i don’t want

i let go of that
and its easy with practice

i love that i’m healed i love that its
that easy to choose healing i love that i

get to make the choice to look
for signs of improvement and

its that easy!!!

i love that i get to feel
good about life i love that i get to celebrate life i love
that life i sgood

is good for me i love that
it just doesn’t matter i love hat i
get ot make the choice for it

to work itself out and it
always does

i love putting my faith in the universe i love
that i’m healed i love that i’ve
allowed myself to heal i love that i never
have to look for what i don’t want to see
i love

that i know

i want to livei love that

i’e mad

i’ve made the switch i love
when the feeling comes easily i love
when the vibration of god
comes easily
i love that i know

its always here with me in the here and now
i love
making my feelings
my number one priority

i ove that i know how i feel is all that matters

i love making the switch in my vibration i love
making the switch in my vibration i love that
there is so much to love
in this

here and now i love that i get to choose
how to love

who to love

i love that there is always so
mcuh to love i love that i know life
is always working thorugh me
i love that i get to love
i love that i

get to love i love that there
is so much to love i love

that i get to love without fear i love that
i get to send the signal of

becuase that wis who i am
and when i let the rest go

i know

i am made of love
and i am allowing that innate
loving person
to come through

and to love
to be the pwerson

person i know
deep down is the real me
the loving me

the compassionate me

the god me