i get to do me

and that’s all i can do
all i can do is feel for the feeling i want to feel

all i can do is release the rest
all i can do

is chop off my head when i notice im
thinking all i can do is

align all i can do is release the rest knowing its false
all i can do is feel for it myself
all i can do is know tis right here always

all i can do is be all ic an do is be

all i can do is releae the rest and allow life
to flow today i allow life to flow ia llow god to flow
i know that god flows throuugh me i now this

i know this th
ths is the only work and this is the only place
i now this is the only wpalce

i know everything else is false

i can feel it getting easier already

i can feel myself caring less
being less mad

i just want to get through one day
not getting mad
not feeling mad

i get to do the work to let it go

i get to do the work to notice
how fake and made up those thoughts are

i get to do the work to be aware
to be aware of the version i create

wth h

with how if eel today i do the work
to be aware of how i feela nd the

and the version i create
i take responsibility tof r
for the version i create

and i can begin to get
back intot he praccticce
of choosing how i feel

i can begin to choose i can start
its easy to start and then when i practicce it
gets easiser
i get to choose how i feel today

i am aware i am aware of how it makes me feel
of how ive allowed myself to practice that vibration
and today i choose to practicce a new one

and i know that i can let that go
i nkow it was an attachment that i can release
i release my attachment i release thinking that will make me feel good

i release thinking something outide of me is the sourcce
knowing that

peace and love and happiness are right here
when there’s nothignt else

peace and love and happiness are all right here with me
i let the attachment go i preactic

practicce not caring i practice love
i practicce love and

that’s all i can do i feel the feeling i choos the
feeling iw ant to feel becauasee that’s all i can

i practiced anothe vibration and now its dominant
but today i get to choose to renounce my humnahood

to let it go to brute force it
to aks m

ask myself what i want to choose to live
life how i want to life
to choos to live life how i want to live

how iw ant to feel choos the version i prefer

i choose the verison i prefer

today i do the work to love myself to at least like myself
to a

at leas tlike mysle fot at least like myself to
at least like myself

i lift up my mind
and heart

to be aware to undertand
and to know that the divine presence i am

is the source and substance of alll my good

i can find a good vibration in everything
i can find the good feelin in everything

i an find the god feelign in everything
i knwo i can
i get to choose go i get to choose the god

feeling just how i choose how i
choose to feel bad i can choos to feel good

today i remember who i ama today
i know who ia m rei

i remember who i am i remembe who i am
today i choose the power of me it

it feels good to pracctice to feel it to feel it
more and more with eay

eachmoment of practicce
rememberin that attaention
attention creates

remembering the power of me the power of me the power
of me
it feels good to do the work to make the choice

to feel good to notice and do the work

i will have a go

i never have to care
and i can always just keep doing me

and god that is all i need
me and god is all i need and i kow that

that god loves mea n
and god is always here with me and l
thats’a ll i need

i know that god will guide me
i know that god loves me
i know that

god wants to be around me
i know that god wants to be around me

i know that god will help me through htis
i know this

i know that god will helps me through htis

god will helps me through this
i knwo that god will hlep sm e
thought this i know
i never have to do wnaything
anything i

ad i t

i trust god i
trust go i know that ic an always gr


trsut god

i kow that god always loves me i
and i

i kow that god loes alo
loves me and god wi

will get me through go
i know that go loes me and god will

get me thought i know that
god loes mo

loves me and god will get me through i know its only
ever me i know its only ever me i now

is me i knot its me
i knots

i know its me and god loves me anyway

i know its me and god loves me
anyway i know tis me
and god loves me anyway