allow the flow allow life to be
all i can do is enquire aboutt he eself
all there is to seeek is the self
and in he self there is bliss
the self and the bliss area alwaa
area always right here and i love that
i now this
this tha i ge tot live it the i get to remember
how to flive life
to live it that i get to remember how to live it
i love the b liss of the here and now
the bliss here and now the
bliss here and now
the lbiss
the bliss behind the thoughts the silence behind the thoughts
the bliss that always exists and i love that
i now it get to focus on it get tomake the
the devotion to it is all ther is
the devotion
to is is t
all there is and i love that i nwo this
that there is only ever the focuso n the self
the self is all there is
the inner world is all there is the feeling
is all there is the devotoin is all there i
there is the devotion is all there is
the choice is all there is
the choic3
the choice
the choice is all there is the choice is all there is
and i love that i nwo i love that i get ot have a good day
feelign good i love that i get ot have a good day
enjoying life i love htat i
get to let hte lfow
go throughme i love
getting to feel good about my work about my
self about my liife i love soming
coming into allignment with god
being god knwoing im
i loe the feeling of trusting life i
of knowing ii god im
of celebrating im god of
celebrating im
im god of saying thanks god for everytingof feeling the
feleing of i knwe
i knew it would work out it
always rowks out
i feel it feel the bliss of
here and now the
bliss of the true self
i feel the bliss of the true
self i feel how god feels i
i feel how god feels i turne
my atteeniton
to the feelign of god
i get to chooe ho i
how i feel i get to choose to feel
tuned in tuned in tunes in turned on
i get to choose to feel
how i want
want to feel i gett
get to choose how i
i choose me i choose gods world i choose
the feeling go
of god and i love that i get to chooe
it here
and now i get to feel good
get to celebate
feeling how god feels
i love the release i love
the knwoing here an nwo
i love the knowing here andnow
i love that
i get o ccelebraet now
i love wanting to do my work
i love wanting to work
i love that i
get to love i love that there is so mluch to love
i love that i get ot love without condition i love
that i do the work on me
i love that i am brave enough to make a boundry
i love doun
i love that i get tohoo
make the choice
that consciousness is the only reality