i get to work on me

i love that i get to work on me

i love that i get to work on me
and that’s all i can d all i can do is work on me

all i can do

i’m grateful i love my life

thatnk you

thank you for this beautiful block
this beautiful community that i know i made

thank you for neighborrs who care
thank you for feeling a part of something

thank you for love

so grateful for the wife who loves me
for our perfect house i love our perfectt house

i love our perfect yard
i love thatt our neight is always gone
i love that

life is good i love that life is good i love
that i know i love that i know who i am what i am

so grateful for a hot shower
for a day alone
for the bravery to say yes to me

so grateful for silen


time alone in silence

so grateful for the lake
so grateful its sunny

so grateful its warm
or at least getting there
its warmer than its been

so grateful to hear feel myself coming through it

grateful to remember who ia m
so grateful

to see to know

i am

to know i am

to know i am so
grateful to know i am to know i am

so grateful for my skills
so grateful
for all my talents

so grateful for my creativity
so grateful to
be admired so grateful

to know its me its my own insecurity
that comes from looking outside of me

when i know that the only security is in trusting

trusting to god to do what it will

im saying yes to life

im saying yes to life im sayin gyes to life

so grateful to feel good in my body
so grateful for fee

for weed
for a weed man
for good food
for cake

so grateful
i do know who ia m so grateful i

i do know god i do know god so
grateful i can always say
yes to god and god is right here i can
always say yes to life and life
is right hre

so grateful i’m
allways doing the work
thank you fort he

the contrat that helps me focs
thank you for something differenct to

to experience thank you for the
good feel the god

thank you god for god
the feeing of god the feeling god would feel

the feeling of a yea saying mind
the feeling of a

yea saying mind and i know only i can

be it

i chose to make

i also
need to admit to myself what it really is
what it always is
and it that i didnt get the attention

i thought i would or that i thought i deserved
or that i needed to prob me

prop me up and i let it get to me and i started thinking
about it too much

took it personally
let it get to me and made something out of nothing
and made something out of nothing

that’s all it is and i can admit that to myself and moe on

i can move on to a yea saying mind

so happy to flip the switch
to have a yea

saying mind to have a yea

saying mind to say yes to live fo

to finally find something that resonates
so grae

grateful for the knowledge and education i have

so grateful fot he
the life experience

that teaches

gratefl to hve
have an inkling of gratitude

grateful for the time and space for me

grateful for the time and psace
spacce for me grateful for the break


grateful to trust it to trust
the time and space to

trust the time ad psace

space to trust the time and space

to trust god
to trust go

i trust god i trust god i trust god
i g

trut life i trust life i trust life
i am saying yes to life i

i havve a yea saying mind i have a yea
saying mind i say yes i say yes

i say yes to life and it feels so much

i say yes i sa

i say yes to life i say yes to god i say yes to life

i have a yea
saying mind i finally found something to help

orr maybei

i wanted it bad enough i know when i dont believe

feels good to be back with goad
to be back with god to lok

look at the flower

to know that i prefer
to look at the flower

and eventually the thorns
become roses

i know this i know this

so grateuflf or this day for the sun
for the dod

god sef within me that has nthing do
to do with th
the outside illusory world

i know its illusory
i know its illusory

i have a yea saying mind i have a yea

saying mind and it feels so much better

im grateful ti
to kill the old self to die t live

to kkill the old self to
allow myself to forgive
and when i forgiv

i create a new version i look for love
i look for love any

in everything and i know its me i know its
always a hell of my won ma

own making and alll i can do is

with a yes attitude
this ery

very earth is transformed

with a yes attitudde
this very earth is transformed

im grateful to do the work

get to do the work to take ccare ofme
to live in integrity

i know that im lv

this is the poert

poetry of life the in and out of life
i love

live both