i guess i can feel good

i guess i can get in a good mood i guess i can have fun
and enoyt
enjoy this day i gut

guess i can let it go i guess ic an get over it i guess i can not care
i guess i dont have to care i guess i can just do me

it’s easy to flip the switch to decide how i want to feel
to remember this is what i wanted to act as if
its fun to remember to act as if it li love that
its easy to feel good and i dont have to explain the past
feelings or worry about future ones jusst feel good right now

thank you fort his this day this day
to feel good to celebrate to turn the boat to feel the feeling
right now to focus and feel good to

focus and feel good to focus and feel good
to choose me to choose my best self to choose my god
self to choose this work

be ause it works this work because it works
i and i love that its all working out for me i love that
i get to choose ad i get o

to know

i love there
wher ei am right now who i am what i am
that i am knowledge that i am the
god self

renouncing my humanhood
i love that i’m soaring i love that i’m
flying high i love that i
get to feel good and celebrate
i love that life loves me i love that
life loves me that i get to

choose teh

excitement level for the
day the

celebration quotient i get to
take the raide i
i get to have fun i get to have fun i

get to have fun i get to
have fun
i get to have fun i get to

have fun i get to have fun

i’m hee and
i’m hre and i’m foused

i’m here and i’m grateful im
flowing through life loving through life
i love where i am right now

i love this moment right now i love
that i am aware
of the thoughts feelings and emotions that
create my life i love that
i get to hcoose to choose love i love
that i get to

choose lov ei love that i get to choose love
i get to become it i get to become it then see it

this work works this works works
and i know that and its all that mattes so

check back into the flow and enjoy
the ride and i love that i get to do that i love that
i ge tot have fun
just feel the feeling of fun adn

allow it to 4
to unfold i love that i can’t try i love that
i can’t try that i dont have to do anything
that i can

this works workst his work

allways works and i know al
i always got the version i was ith

the version i am i always see the verison i am
i always see the version i am
and i know that it’s allways
always and never not me
i love that i know this
hi love that
i know that life




so grateful i get to have fun cd
get to choose it and then it is get to feel it and then it is
get to feel it and then it is

i love thati ‘m here i love that i feel the
feeling i love that i feel the feeling i love that

we get to record for our adoring fans i love that
i get to feel good i love that i love

i love talking about ideas and i love that
i get to i love that i get to spend time creating with my
wif ei love that its s
just for fun and its just a way
to get our ideas out ther ei love that
i ju

it just doesn’t matter i love that it
will be done

i am that i am i am that ia m
i am that i am i am
that i am i am that i am
i am that i am
i love that i get to c

enjoy it i get to feel the feeling
first and then enjoy t

the day i love that i know this works

works this work works and this is the only work
i get to choose me and tune into and protect mky own every

energy i get to have fun now i get to have fun
now i get to choose knowing i get to choose knwoing i get
to choose knowing i get to choose knowing

i feel good i feel good i feel good about my life i
feel good about my life i celebrate my wrok
i celebrate my work i love my work i love this life i love this
life there is so much to talk about
to celebrate to discuss

to have fun with there is so much in life
that is fun there is so much in life aht is
that is fun there is so

much in life that is fun

i’m here i’m focused
and then it will be done i don t

even have to care i can get out of the way
i know im doing it so stop resisting it
and just get out of the weay

i’m mad at how much im resisting
im mad that i dont want to do it
im mad that i have to do it
im made when i have to do anything i dont wnat to do

i want to do it

i want to want to do it
i feel good about myself

i love myself i love myy ideas
i love what i have to say im’m

confident in having fun
i love that ot

to have fun the funshow is
blowing up i dont even care for it to lol