i have the power

so grateful i remembered the rule the rule the number one rule
when you turn toward it your turn it war

away so grateful i remembered and for thet iem and
space to remember who ia m to know hwo i am to bring myi
attention inwar to let it rest at cetner

so grateful to remembe rih ave the power and to empb

embody that bo


so grateful tor emember who iam tor emembe that my ultimate power is in
never thinking about it i lov ehat i know that its my power

who has the power i do who has the power id o i have the power
to choose how i vibrate i have the power to choose how i

vibrate and i love that i do i love that i get to keep up the good work theo nly work
to remember the feeling of yes

to remember the feeling of knowing to rem

to remembe the feeling of awraeness i remember the feeling of awraeenss
i la

i allow it to come to me i preactice the art of letting life come to me
o feel

of feeling the feeling and knowing life follows i love that i know this
i lov ethat i i know thepwoeer of e i love that ig et to use it i love that
i get to d

say thank you

i know the feeling of me i know the power of me i realx

i re

relax in the power of me i relax into the power of me

i releax into the power of me i relax into the

feeling of me of how i want to feel i relax to
cneter to awareness

i know that the spell is not
to never think about it i ove that i ll
i know the secret to lfie i o
i love that i ge to tfeel the fee

i love that i know i dont hav
i know i have the power
i know i don thave to act like anything

just be just aaw

awareness just be centered and trust life
is all ic an do i love that i know ths i lov etha ti now that
all ic an do is

trust the flw

flow ofl fie that is the one and only thing i can ever ddo i love that i know this

i love that i remembered the power of me that i have

power that i am the poer so

so grateful for thet ime and apsa

space so grateful for the time and psacce to s
remember who i am to come on
into alignmented with me to feel the feeling of


i know the power of me i get to feel the feeling i prefer
i get to enjoy life i get to feel

cenetere idn my life i get to feel taken cae of i c
get to say yes thank you i get to say eys thank you
and know that life s
always flows to a
me i ilove that i nkow the secret t
to life i love that i know the feeling of liv ei l ofv
that i get to choose the feelign right now

i’m here remembering the power of met h

the power of my own awreness and i’ so graefl to ta
takte the time to call my attention back to center
so gratefult o remember who ia m to

remember i ge to enjoy life i get to enjoy life i to remember
i get to en

be me i ge tto be me so gatefult o get to be me
so gratefu to get to be me

so grateful to be here remembering the powe of me

grateful i know the power of em the awraaeness of mee
that ia m my own person

so grateful to remember wh
how fucking great ia m so gratefl to
remember me

to enjoyl ife to

sink i and just enjly
life so grateful i get to have fun
i get to enjoy th day
ig et to live lfe i

life i the flow ig et to say yes thank so

you i get to say yes thankyou
i get to say yes thank you

i get to say yes thaknk you

i get to be confident in who ia m
in knowing i am the sourcce i get to be confidnet i knowing
i am the source i get to choose to give love to all
because i am the sourcce

i get to remember who ia m i get to e
relax in the gratitdue of life

i get to feel it now i get to feel it now that
is the power of th

is thep owe of life thate verything i seek outsidde of me
i am the soucce
sourcce of ig i am the source of ie


everything i seek ia m the source of it everything i seek

i am the sourcceo f it i love that i nkow ths i lov etha t
i get o choose it i love that i t
get to chooet he pweor of me i lov ethat iget to
chooset he pwero of em

it feels so good to remember who ai

who ia m to remembe the power of me it feels so
good to remember the power of the feeling

to remembe the poer of the feeling it s
feels so good to remember the pofer of

the poewr of the feeling it feels so g
good to rememe th
power of the feeling

the poer of the
the poer of me to remember i’m steering it

remember i am
i have the pewr

power to feel i have the power to feel it nw i ahve the power
to be it nw i have the

power to allow it now to be it now
to be it now i have the power to be it now