i have to do it

i have to fous and i have to finnd a way
i have to find a way and i know that through focus and devotion i can do it

i know tis me i i

i kow tis me i i know its me i know its me
i know its me

i know is me i can find away

so gratefulf or my life
that im taken care of that i get tmy food made for me
thati have someone who loves me
evenoth ohg im so mseex up and

has alawys been there fro me no matter whta

i knw i can do i knwo i cn be i now i now
i knwo i cn do it i can

learn i can learn i kno whtat i hthe capacatiy
i know tis there and i know that
that with attention to it it blowsom

blossomes i can all it i can
op en my heart i can open bm
mmy heart i know that i cant rut
life i can


i know that i know tha through focus and devotoin i can do it
i know ive done it bedore and its like everything esle

i know i can do i i knw i can cop
open my heart if not for anyone else

at least my wife i can let my guard down for my wife
if for no oe else
i can let myself be kind i can let myself be nice

i wnat to be nice
iw ant tbe kind

i know that through devotion i can heal
i can heal wtha
whateve paisn is inside of me i knwo that through

my consciousness of the spirit within me as my lunlimens
source is the diine hpower to resotre the years the lovsust
have eatn

make all things new
and lift me up to the hig road of abundance prospoertiy

i know the feeling i knwo the feeing i know

i can trust it i can feel it for it

i can release

im learning

im getting beter
im learning not to reac

i want to love
i want to
to apprec iat i want to feel gratef i want to value

i want tofeel good in my bod i want two tot feel good iwa tnt o feel good in my life i want to be hap in my life i want to feel happy and loving i love
i want to love and be lovd i want to feel good

i know i start holding my breath

i know ti sme i knwo tis me i nots me
aid na i know i can do i cn

rensew myself i can find new focus i cn
feel ood about msyelf and my life i can trust life

i can do it i can do ican
it i can deeply accept everthing that comes
i can

ceeply accept life i can deeply accept life
i can allow life i can alowo

allow gratitude i can allow the flow i can
allow love to flow
i an feel fo the feeling of god i feel for i am
and stay with i am

i know i can do it i can find now
new focus in my life i can feel for the version i of
life i

that i want i can create it now its right here its right here
its right here
its me
im creating every probmel
i ow tism ei accept aht but
i dont know what do
to do wabout it
bceaus ti keeps happening and i feel liek i lose control

i feel like i lose control

i dont know what to do

god please help me please god help me pleaes please please help me

pleaae please please
plasse god pleasae hlp me

right turning to go turning to god
is al there is

tis the only way i knwo ti and it woalways works
but it never sticks and i
end up back in the sam pelace whay
becaust you dont keep kit up

you dot keep paying attention to the thoughta
dnt he feelings you dont deal with them right now


i knwot hat i can star ti knwo how i can start i nkow how i can start
and tahts’ god i
and i know that if i can st
turn toward god godl with

will hlp me with the rest if i trun townd

toward god god will help me
with the tesr

i knwo i can do it i can feel for it adn ts

it sther e

i want to have a nice life i want to have a happy easy life i want to have
a happy easy life i love have a loving life i want to have a fun life

easy life with no fighitng and no grust
every fight is pointless therey

i know that i can do it i can be a new perosni i can
accept it allow it to bee and be aware of it and allow i to pass

i can heal god can help me heal i can allow myself ot
heal i can alllow myself to heal i know that if i trun toward

god god will help me i know that god is here with me
helping me

i know is here with me please god pealse help me

please please helps me please set me free from this please god gplease please

i knwo i can do it and the fist step is believing in myself
the first step is believing in myself

i know i can do it i know i i knwo i can do i knwo
i know i can i d
i kno i van focs
i know who i am i kno w

who am i who am i
who am

that is defensive

a little girl that never felt safe

please god please help me i know you love me please help me