i know god is me i nkow i

am the one and only creator of me
and its os easy life is

life so easy when i remember the truth
when im devoted to theo ne and
only truth which is the feeling

devotoin to the trth devotion
to the truth wihc is nothing
knowing that there’s nothing outside of my
of the version i make

i know that god loves ma dn ad
and so i see that love in everything i know that god lovese me
so im not surprised when i see love from
every angle i now that i am god and god
love me

god is lavish

unfailing abundance

i love that i get to choose god and none of the rest
ever matters i choose god and
none of the ret matters

i get to ch
enjoy life i get to enjoy the flow i get ot ru
trust every moment
i get to allow the art of god to flow through me
i know that hte
art of god is flowing through me
i nkow

that the art of god isflowing
through me and nothing can stop it

the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly

pouring forht from my divine consciousness

the trans mutation
the centering to
god the revision
i have the powr of revision
i have the power of the feeling

i have the power of the feeling
i choose teh feeling here and now
and i no

i kow im the sourcce
grateful to enjoy life here and now
to hva

have the feeling here and now
i dot ene

need anything to happen becaue i have the
feeling of me here and now

i have the feeling of me here an dnow

only i can choose to love
my life only ican choose l

to love god here an donw
i choose teo love god erea
here and now

and that’s all i can do
in the focus in the focus

in the focus in the feelin
i choose teh feeling i say yes to
everythin that is

i relese desire
and i revsie o
i do the work to use my power

am brave enough to use my power
ia m bbrave enough to use my power

i dont need anything outside of me
only the feeling here and now
only the feeling here and now

i knowa i am the creator an i keep
createing life

the same thing over and over i now that
i can break free just by looking for god i can choose to
look for


am i looking for abundance
or am i looking for lack
am i ceelbrating whats there

or am i looking for what isn’t
i giving love or am i
only thinkgin about what i can

what i can get ?

what im not getting


do i know

do i think
that thinking aboutsomething
is going to

solve it????????

i know it doesn’t i
i knwo only
magick doesn

anythin i kno i get
to trust the flow and i never
have to wonder i ilove

i dont have towrry i love that i

i alwyas have god right here with me
i gt to cne

enjoy the day i get to hoose what

where i look i get to chosoe
where i place my attetnion i get to
allwo the god to flow through me
i get to
to allw the gi
the god to flow through me

i get to relese it forever i get to let

forever i love that i get to

release it forever i never have to think about it
again i never have to care about it again
i get to choost eh feeling now i get to choose

the feeling now i of
trusting life of knwoign life

on m side i trust life i trustt he f
the flow of life i turst the flow
of life and i now i

i know its up to me to celebrate life
first i

its up to me to ccelebrate life first

i keep my mind and thoughts

i look for what i want to se i know the power of me
and i choose it i o

i dont have to be afraid to allow what i wan

i say yes i say

yese and yes to life i yes to the flow the feeling
i dont let anything take me from god
fro my

my communion with god from
my knowing that god loves me i
i love that i

i wnat to break through
i m

i am broken thorugh i am

broken through i sat

stand up to my thought si
i stand up to my thoguths i want to enjoy my life

i want to enjoy my life
i refuse to suffer
i refuse to feel bad i fe

refuse to feel lack i refuse to feel lack
i know tis mi know its me i now

its me i now tis m e

i refuse to feel lack i refuse to suffer
i can break thorug
i nko

i know god is here with me right nwo
tis a one or a zero

i know im zero i know ther is only
god i nowt is nits not me
i know that i can jsut watch i know that
i can just watch

i love life i have al ust for life
becausee i know its magci i know that life
is always giving me something magcal
i know that the magic
is always right hee iwth me
its a one or a zero

its me i m the
one or the zero
everything else has no choice but
to reflect it