i know its all working out i kno

i know that its all working out i know that
its all working out i know that life is going my way i nkow that
life is going my way i now that

is going my way i nkow

i know i know i get to choose how i feel
i get to choose not to look at it
i get to choose my stititdu
i get to choose hwo if eel abou life i get to choose the
the flow of life

i now the feeling of yes and yes
i know the feeling of yes

and yese i know the feeling of yes and
yes i know the feeling of yes

and yes i know the feeling of yes
and yes

none of it is not me and i say yes
to all of it i seepl

deeply accept all of

i deeply accept life as it flows through me
i make the choice to feel good now i make
the choice to

feel good now to feel good

its a feelig all of life is a feeling
and things popl

up but i get to chosoe teh feeling
of lkwing about all of it
i now that life is flowing my way i know

i know that all of life is flowing m way
i nkow that

all of life is flowing tmy my way to and through me
i nko

that i no
i know that im the source i knwo that ia m the soruce i know that i am
the one and only source i now

the feelingi now that ia m the feeling
and i say yes to everything that is
i just laugh as life unfolds i love that
i get to i love that i know tis working out in my favor
i know

i love that i know that all of life
is working out in my faveo i love
i love that i know the
feeling of life i know the feeling of life
i now the
i know the feeling of the flow i love that
i get to enjoy life i love that
i get to enjoy lth
the day i love that i now life is good

i love that i nkow the wife is right

dong look dont looka t
at it dont look at it

dont look it

the only work and i kno it and
the contrast helps me foxus

focus the contrast makes me focus the contrast
helps me focus the contrast helps me

i love that i dont have to think
about it i love that i dont havve to lookat it
i know that its happenieng in my favor i nkwo t
aht its in my favor that its in my

varo i know that all of life is unfodling in my favor i nkow that life loves me
i lovee hat
i get to love it bak

i love that i dont hae to think about it
i get to choose i get to just hcoose
how i want to feel i get to
to choose i get to choose
how i watn to feel

dont look at it
i trust the magick of life i trust the flow
of life i trust the flow

of life i trust thef low
the flow of life i trust the flow of life

i trust the flow of life