i know me

i know the truth i know the truth and i get to choose it
i know its much for fun to chooset he c

the truth i lovee that its much more fun
to choose not to care
that she makes it easy to not care

i dont’ have to care i dont hve to wonder
i dont havvee to bad

bae my happiiness on the actions of someone else
i get to choose to feel good now

i get to choose to feel good now ig et to choose to feel good now
i ge tto

choose to feel good nwo ig et to choose how i awnt to feel
and its not dependant on anyone else

i want to feel good no matter what i want t o
to feel good no matter what i want
i want to feel the feeling of god i want to feel the feeling of love

i want to feel the feeling of knowing i love
that i get to i love that i get to choose the
feeling of knwoing i love

that i get ot i love that i get o feel good no matterw what
i love that i get to choose love and gratitudde
i know its up to me how i look at life i know i get to choose teh
feeling of love and gratitude

so grateeful ife is good and life loves me

grateful life is good and life loves me
life loves me so grateful i now

that i know that i get to align witht he
the version i prefer

i love when we’re all in love
i love when we’re all in love

i love when im in love wiht life
i love when nothing can p

bother me i love that i
get to havve fun i love that i get ot have tun no matter what
i love that i get to i love that
i get to i love

i love that i get to choose i love that ig et to feel
the feelin

right now i love that i get to feel the feeling right now
i love tha ti dont have to care i love that
i dont have to care i love

that i dont have to care i lov eht ati get to feel good now i love
that i get ot feel good now i get to feel the feeling now
i get to feel love no matter what i get to choose the love of god no matter

wwhat i get to choose the love of god no matter waht

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

i can always flip the switch i can always jump
on the bus i can always choose teh

the flow i can always choose god the god self i can
always find a way to feel good i can always find a way to feel

feel good fel the
feel the way i want to feel practicce the way
i watn to feel and life will reflect it

that’s all i can do that’s all i can do

that’s all i can dthat’s alll i can do
i s

is feel the feeling is feel the flow is
feel the flow flowing through me
know the god self choose the god self

choose the vversion i prefer that’s all i can do san
and i love that life c

teaches me life shows me
i know its up to me its up to me

its what i choose its what i choose i have to choose not to look at what i dont want

i love that i get to feel good that
get to say yes to life i say yes to life

i say yes to life to everything that is
i l

say yes to evverything that is i act in integrity
i do me and that’s all i can do i

i do me and that’s all i cn do i love that i gt to
i love that i get to i love that

i get to choose life get to choose god the feeling of god
the feeling i prefer i get to choose teh feeling i prefer

i get to choose teh god
the god self the god self the god self the

god self the loving self i get to choose the
loving self i get to ch

choose to love fo no

for no reason i get to choos to love
to love for no reaon i get to

choost o love for no mreason i get to allow
the feeling of lvoe th

to flow through me
i get to choos teh in love version

i get to choose not needing naything else

i get o cchoose acceptance
i get to choose
being the source d

celebrating life being on he bus i get to
celebbrate lif

life today i get

i get to celebrate life today i
get to release teh rest release the tension

release the belief in lack i g

i believed in lack but not more
i never have to believe in lack i kno wthat o

love is infinite i know that love is infintie
and i can choose love

in every moment love is infinite and i can
choose love in every moment

i get to choose infinite loe
i get to choose the
feeling i prefer right now

all i can ever do is choose bliss here ad now

and that’s all there is
i refuse to look at anything else

besides the bliss right now

throug my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

all i can ever do is look at god
and know that god solves everything

god is everything god

fixes everything and i know i am god
i know i am god and i kno th

i know that is the only thing
i evern

need to think about to ponder
i loe that i knwo that

this that the ccontrast helps me focus
that i get to love
in the flow