i know that its me

its only ever me and i love that i get to do the work
the work the only work the feeling work i get to do the feeling work

work the only work i et to
i get to do the only wrk i get to do the only work
only i can change my

what i see only i can change wha
how i feel abuu my life

i love that everything is working out for me i love
that all my wishes are coming true i kno wthat life
arranges itself around how if eel

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i gt to enjoy my life no matter what i know hat life
shows me the feeling of me i now

that life shows me the feeling

i get to choose i dont havve to give my poweer o

aware t
away to someone else
so grateful to

i prefer to feel good i prefer to enjoy my life
i prefer to feel the flow of life

flowing through me i prefer to feel good
i prefer to trust i prefer to trust what is

i prefer to lovve what is i love that i ge to love
what is i loe feeling free i love that i am now aware

that i dont want tit to
to go back to how it was i know that i nkow that i dont hav

want it to go back to how iwt

it was

what i prefer is
mutual respect and admiration

mutually respectful and engaging friendships
and i love that ia m ware
i love that ia m
free i love that i get to feel free i love
that i get to fe

be free i love that i’m free i loe that
i’m so free i loe that i get to choose it i get
to choose the god self the
that god sela
walsy shows me the pathless path

i love that i now i love that
i know i love that i know the pathless path i love that
i get

to choose lust for life i prefer lust for life
i prefer lust for life i can feel

i can feel the feeling i prefer and allow life
to reflect that in any way it wants

i know it doesnt have to come this way
i prefer to let go i prefer not to ccare
i prefer to trst life

i love remembering who ia m i love oving my work
i love loving wher ei am right now i loe that
i now

that is the only work i love that life shows me i loe that
lfie l

life always shows me life
always shows me i love that i get to choose the feelig
and i dot
have to

want something i dont want
i dont have to wnt it to be how it was

i can decide
to discern to prefer something new

decide to
to prefer
something new

and i knwo life already knwos i love
i know its already dont i

i kow its already done

i love it what life is easy i loe seeing
the magick i love that i get to m

look for the miracles i love that
i get ot look for miracles

im im e

me i get to hoose how i feel i lovee that
i get to let it go i love that life helps me
i love that

the spell is broken i love not caring i ilove
not caring i love not caring i love t

the spell being g

broken i love trusting life
choosing the feeling first knowin
that’s all ther eis

the feeling of life the feeling of magick and i
get to choose it no matter what

i get to choose it no matter what

i loe that i get to see i love that iam

awarae of the feeling and where im
giving my pwoerr awrae

so grateful to be awrae to get to
break the spell i prefer to break
the spell i loe the

i love breaking the spell i love
that i get to i love that i get to i love that

i get to i love that i get to break
the spell

i prefer to be myself
i prefer
to e my

myself my god self un
my unattached god self

i love that i get to feel free i love
that ig et to set myself free

from the prison of my own thoughts
i love that i get ti love that i gt ti love

i love that i get t i
i love that i get to i love

that i get to i love that i
get to remember the go self i love that i
get to remembe the god desl i
i love that i get to

to reember
the feeling i lo

i am awre i am awrae of the prison
of my own thougths i love that i ow i love
that i can