i know the infinite supply

is within and there’s no
action i can take or no force i can force
that can make life act a certain way

it’s all a vibration and life
can only respond to that
and my supply is my feleing o

feeling of connection with god
with the love wihtin the the feeling of knowing
and trusting and loving life

my infinite supply
is my ability to love life
to jump into life and all i can ado is

can do is jump into life all i can
i do is jump into life

say yes to life say yes to love
release the weight of resentments
and choose love and that’s always so much easier

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my us

supply my awareness
and knowledge of the
all providing activity of
the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my upp

supply is unlimited

no person place or condition is my supply

i know that my life unfolds according to my

belief that it will
understanding that life
is good

knowledge that life is good
knowing that life
is always working out in my favor

life responds to this feeling
and this feeling is

when you move your consciousness
from your head

from looking outward from looking
from something outside of you

to achieve or obtain
and you move it to your center

to the center of all existence
which is the center of everything

something that can barely be described
you move your consciousness there and then
you just remember ah yes this is it

this is the only place to arrive
the place is the feeling place of knowing that
this is the quest
this is the journey

this is the switch this is the bus
you’re either on or youre off

you’re either centered or frantic

frantically looking outside of you
to give you a feeling of fulfillment

of safety
of assurence

which arae all feelings you can choose
and those feleings

feelings are your supply
the supply isn’t outisde of

outside of you its within
its the feeling of letting go

of giving up
of living like you’re dead

live life like you’re
already did

ask bucky fuller

i know that life always reflects that
that feeling
the degree to which you’re celebrating life

is how life

much life celebrates you i love that i know
i love that i get to sink in ot life

get to be under the

influence of source
to relax in this here and now
i can always relax in this here and now
allow life
in this here and now

feel the connection in this here and now
and the feeling of knowing has come through life

i know that life

relfects the feeling of

givine up giving in knowing

whatever feeling you have,
that is what you will see

so if you feelt hat there
isn’t enough

you’ll see evidence

if you revere life
and look for ways to love

you will find them and that is
the secret to life

my awareness
an knowledge

of the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truht
is unlimited


my supply is unlmited

its up to me what i see
and what i look for its only
ever up o m

to me what i look for

so i am responsible for what i see
if i decide to love

then that is for me because i want to
have a good experience
so i decide to love i


decided to embody the dvine
divine presence
the divine prsen


i am.

the all proviidng
activity of the divine mind within me

and all i ever need is connection to that
connection that truth
connection to that truth

so grateful to know the truth
kknkow the

know the r
truth of life and feel connected to it

so grateful for this day
for twix eggs!

and family
and waking up feeling good
and having a good day
such good food!

so grateful for our feats we

feast we already made
so grateful to connect with family

so grateful for orders!
and subs!!

and reviews!!

so grateful for a sub a day
so grateful subs paid our internet bill

so grateufl for all these orders!!

so grateful to feel good
for clean laundry for a dray


for pee rags
for good sex!!

for a kinda warm day

for shows to watch for
good feelings for gdoo

god feelings so grateful to
have the

inner guidance
to know the inner guidance
to say eys to

yes to life to
feel the
divine presence

and that’s alll i acn


can ever do i relax in the knowledge
that attention creates
and i get to look for what i want to see

so grateful for where we live

so grateful its the perfule

perfect place
so grateful everything worked out
i get

to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel the feeling
of infinite abundance

flowing through me

thank youj.w

therefore my supply
is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlmited

my awareness
understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlimited

my supply is unlimited
my suppy is u

is unlimited

my supply is unlimited.

so grateful i know i know the
power ofe that

of me that attention creates
feelings create

emotions create and i feel the
feelig n

feeling no i feel i feel

the feeling now i feel the feeling now

i konw the truth to life
i know that i’m on the bus

i know attention creates i kno i am
the one and only powerful
creator of my life experience
and that my

supply is within and it is infinite.