i know the only ever things i can do is the work

i know i can stop trying and simply
allow myself to exist in this here and now

tired of the search

constantly seeking approval that
is the root of it
and i know i

i know the work always works and that
i get to

the choice to lovemyself i know
myself and iknow the

the resistnA

i love having a day to just come back to center i love
that life is easy i love
that it is easy to love i love that ther is s

is so much to love i love that it s

worth i t i love doing the work i love
that its working i love that is


the flow is all that matters

and that

the tear is be

within me its withi n
ema nd
and its where i

whether i

or not i believe i am worthy of love
and iknow that i am and i know that is all that it
sis the

breaking the attern i know i can break the pattern of looking to other people for av


the flow is always flowing ther

through me the energy is aloways


i loe that i gt to
do me and that is

wear the reat

tear is

i love that i know i love that i know
i know the energy i and

and i love that iknow i am
the one and only creator

i am powerful i know i am

powerful and i don’t have to

block my power i am alowing

i love this day i love
the ease and flow
i love the ease and flow
i love that its

all me ai

i love that there is always more than enough i love

i love that there is always more

than enough i love that the flow
is flowing i love that it s

always flows i love that the

flow is flowing i love that i ge tot feel

to feel good i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good

the flow i love
that i don’t have to try i love
that i get to allow the energy to do it i love
that i get to allow the


i love that i don’t have to wonder i love
that i

get to make the choice i love
that i ge tto make the make
the choice i get to make
the choice to

find integrity within myself
to choose me to choose to feel good for me
to choose the flow

becaue it

it feels good to olook
look within for the feeling and iknow that

is all there is to it i love
tht its

its way i love

easy i love taht i can make the choice
to feel love

i love thati ge tto
get to feel good i love that i get to feel
good i love that the

the flow is always flowing i love
that i know i am a healling being i love that
i know for a

fact thati am
alwys feeling i love that i get to feel the
feeling right now i know that
is allt hat maters

i know its best to just let things go
and iknow its easy to do that inow its
easy to let the flow flow through me i know


its easy

i love thati don’t have to care and that
its taht easy i love

it feels good to let it
it fo and

go and just love it feels good
to let it go and just love it feels good not
to care it feels good not to care it

it feels good not to care it
feels good not o care to let it g

it feels good to allow to choose the other side of the wave

it feels good to

it feels good to feel the other side
of the wave to know its i

is there and say thank you

i love thati get to
let go and feel free i love that
i get to feel free inthis here
and now i love that
that is only me i love that
its only me i love

that i get to choose how i fe

want to feel i

its a pli

split and it disapates
the energy within me

i intend to gather momentum
to gather energy

to feel the energy building

within me to make the choice
to make the choice to feel how iw ant to feel
it feels good

to make the choice to not allow the eenrgy

energy to

i do not have to care i love
that i do not hve

have to care i love that
i do not have to care i love makng the
the choice to

build up the


energy within me i love that i
get to love myself i love that i knowi am t
he best i love
that i

know who i am so i dn’ th

have to i don’ thave to
go around collecting the

opinions of others i love
that i get to enjoy this rightnow i love
that i get to feel good nwo

i love doing the work i love
uplifting myspef i love

that i don’t have to care i lov hat

that i get to feel good inthis
rgiht nwo i love t
aht i get to feel good now i love that
i get ot feel no

good now i love that i get to love me
in this right now i love that i
get ot

to let it all go i love that iknow t
hemore i

themore i let go themroe it flowsi love
that ig et to focus on feeling good

i love that i get to feel good
in this here and ow i love

i love doing the only work t

that matters