i know the only truth

what is the only truth what is the only truth
that consciousness is the only reality i now this

i know its the devotion i knwo that
tis all me i know that its all me
tahts’ theres not separate me
i knwo that i get to choose the feeling now and i never have to wonder
i know that i elive in life ie velive
believe in myself i know i can do it i knwo i can
get tback there i knwo that
life has to follow sthe feeling
i know that life has to follow
the feleing

i knowt he only truth and its devoton
i know t
i know the only truth and its going to the middle and allowing
going to the middle

and tat’s all i can do all ic and o is believe
inl ife all ic n do is feel the feeling of yes all ican do is
feel the feeling of yes
refuse to feel the feelnig of now

i know the one and only truth and
tis the feeling the

its the feeling the precedes the i
its the knowing its the surrender it
is t
its the giving it all over to the here and now

tis the focus on seeking the self
the only thing to seek is the self
the only thign

to seek is the self
i know that im a

i know j

i know that it just takes feeling
and then life responds i know that life
always has to respond i know that life
responds to the energy can only respond to the
energy i love that i nkow
i love that i know that the cen

center is all there is the surrender is all there

i get to refuse every thought i get

i know that reality changes with e
i know that its eay to

refuse to feel how i dont want to feel
and its eay to tune myself to the feeling i want to feel i know
i know its easy i know i can do it
i nkow i can
do it i nko

i know this works
works too i knwo i can break through i know
taht i can

break through i knwo this work wrok

works through practice i know

i’m here to feel the only truth

i’m here to feel the
th efeeling of the only truth
of the

letting go of stopping thinking its up to m e
to release tcon
control to r

feel the energy im here t
to say yes to life i m
here to say yes to life

here to relese resistance
im here to say yes to life