i know the power of me

and i come here to remember it
to practice to feel the version i want to show thanks
for all the miracles in my life!!

i love that life is flowing to and through me i love that
this is the best day i love that life is going well for everyone
i love that we get to take a fun trip i love that

we get to have rufn fun get to feel good get to enjoy life!!

i lovet hat life is good!

focusing on the feeling the feeling of presence and
just seening the evidence all around me

when i thought about the clif bar and it literally feel in to

into my hand

we were a match to talking to our neightbor

my family coordinated something and i din thave to do a thing

got to eat on the porch!
recorded the fun show a day early!

get to go on a scrusion tomorrow!

get to have fun!
it was hot!
grocery xms!@

coverr is solved
and so much u

opened up fromt he feeling
of that g
and get to feel the feeling
get to feel for the feeling and love the
feeling gand be the feeling and knowt hat

so gratefulf or the feeling

i get to do this work the only work nowin
knwoing that the feeling is the only work k nowing that

knowing that the feeling is the only work
how i see myself is theo nly work

how i see myself is the only work is the only work
how i see myself is the only work

how i create my world is my only work and i love that i know this
i love that i get to celebrate it i love that i get to feel it
get to feelthe next lfe

that i get to that i get to feel the power of me

i’m here remembering that i get to that i
get to feel good that i get to feel the flow that
i get to feelthe

feel the flow that i get to feel the god self the presence
that i get to feel the certainty that
i get to feel good that i get to choose it and then it
is i get to ask and then it is given i get to chosoe
i ti get to focus i get to focus
on this work on the power of me and allow it to flow throgh em
allow myself to

know to just know to flip the switch
to get on the bus to be

on the bus and i love that i get to i love that

it’s a feeling and i get to feel it i g
s a feelong and i get to feel it