i know the truth

i know i lead with the feeling drive with the feeling
i know i drive my life with the feeling and that is o
the one and only c


decide its all good and it iis

i get to drive witht he feeligni
get to decide i get to decide how i feel first

my awareness
and knowledge

of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me is my supply

decide its all good at is!
simply decides!

its me its me its me its me it

its me it is

its me its me policing her every move

is me it who e
get to
to deciee how i feel
what i care about i love
that i dont have to car ei loe

the feeling of not caring i love that
ig et to chosoe not to i love that
i get to choose not

not to i love that
i get to choose not
i loe th

that i get to choose
its me its msa kerle

its me its m ite
its me ie
tis only ever me

tis me who gets to refuse
to feel lack
to get to enjoy the day
go t

to get to have a good ttitud
eto get to enjoy life!!!

its me i im on the bus im on the
bus ti get to decide i get to be on the bus
i get to refuse to sufer i

i get to refuse to suffer i get to refuse
to suffer i get to let it go
i get to drop it i ca
get to do the work not to care
i get

get to do thew ork not to w
are the

the awareness work
tore member thats not my source
and it neer ew
will be i love that i know that
i love that i get to detach i love taht
i get to feel the feeling not

of not ccaring i love that
it doent matter wi

eitehr way i ilovee taht i get ot hcoose
how i feel what i look for i get to chcooseh ow i
feel what i look for i get to choose
to feel good its up

to me to le ti

it go to refuse to feel lakc

my awarenss

and knowledge
of the all providing
activity of the dinve

divine mind within me is my

its me and i get to choose to
feel love where is tha
that feeling i had the other day
of not carein
i kno

not caring i know its her ei know its

i know that feeling is here iwth me i know that
feeling is

here with me i know that feeling is

here withi me

i know its me i know it is me i know it is
me i know it is me that
and the rest is fake i know the feeling i know the feeling and i know it is me

i refuse to suffer i refuse to suffer
i refuse to care

it todnes doesnt mattete it doesn’t affect m
t it doens taffect
affect my god self i ti
ti doesn’t

affect my god self it do
i get to feel goodi

i am ahp
happy i’m happy i g

totally confident in letting go
and letting god i neve have to wonder i get to just
let go and choose the devotion i get to choose teh de

the devotion i get to choose god i get to choose god i
it idon
i know ki

it doesn’t matter what anyone else does

that means imm

im givng away my power

instantly and constantly

i trust god i trust the magick life

i trust the mgaick life i

i kow the feeling i choose the feelin

only i can choose teh feeling of me
only i can choose the
feeling of the day only i can
choose to enjoy life here and now

only i can choose how i want to feel
how iw at
to feel i have to be awrae i have to be aware of he
version i create i know its up to me
i know tis up
to me for life
to allow it to unofld i get to choos the magick life
the magick feeling