i lift up my mind and heart

what does that mean?
it means to elevate my mind
and my heart
and my soul

my vibration
my physical self and my vibration
elevated and i know
that it’s easy to enjoy life
to return to the now i love that it’s easy

to return to the now to feel the feeling to flow
flowing through me i love that it’s
easy to feel the flow flowing through me i love
taht i now
that i know

i love taht i know that i no wlife i life
is enough

i love wher i am where ia m right now
and i love that i know the
that the present

moment is all there is

a pair
and stand up to my thoguhts
i know t

it’s that easy i love that i
i feel at ease in my lfiei lo
i love the beter it
better it gets i love that
i get to make the choice i love that

i get to make the choice to feel

at home in this
here and now and i

all i can do is focus on what i know that

the divine prsenc
presence i am is the cour
source and substance of all my good

just that i am
is the source of all my good
and i

i am


i am innately divine

i love that i ge tto feel
to feel good i love that i knowi am
innately perfect

how would you feel if you
knew that everything was rigged in your favor

i love that i know this i love that
i get to just allow the flow to take care of it i love
that i get

can let it gall
all god the o

the only thing i can

control is how much i let
go i let go of this
i love that i
get to feel good int his

this here andnow i love that
i get to clean i love that i we gwe

get to take a vacation i love that
we did it i love that
we are accomplishing our
best work i love that
we are

doing our best work i love that
we are

doing our bet work
best work i love
where i

we are right now i love that i
get to feel good in this
here andnow

i love

where i am right now i love that i know life is good i love that
i know life is good i love that i feel the feeling of life flowing through
me i ove

that i can trust everything that is i love that
i nkow e

i know everything

i9 love

i love that i love where i am right now
i love doing the work for me feeling good for me

celebrating this life for me
i love celebrating this life form

for me i love celebrating this
here and now
i love that ino wi

i know it’s not my job i love

that i love where i am right now i love
where i am right now i love

where i am right now i love
where i am right now i love

that the flow flows to me i love that
the flow flows through me

i love hta
i that i get to focus on the th

the here andow i love that
i believe in myself

i believe in life i know that
life is enough the flow is enough the
feeling is enough i

and i can celebrate tthat
right no wi love
celebrating me

i love feeling good i love
the feeling of me i love the
feeling of me i love the feeling o
of me i love
i love the

feeling of me i love

tat i f
that i feel good now i love that
i i feel good now

i lift up my mind
and heart
to be aware to
and to know

that the divine presence
i am

is the source and substance
of all my good

i love that i am flowing with life
i love the better it gts i love that
i feel good i know i know the
body mind connection i love that i now
i love

that i let go more every day i love

cracking the code i love

allowing myself to love
life in this here and now
i ove


i love that it’s a feeling i get to choose
i love that i feel good i love that i know
i know the

anser to

answer to everything
is vibration i know that
everything is vibratin i love

how far i’ve come i love
that i love myself i love
feeling the

healing energy
flowing through me i love that
i know

ti’s only
ever me i love that
i get to

to feel good and

non one can stop me!!!

i loe that
i feel good an noe

no one can stop me i love
this lif ei love
i love this

this life i love that i get to celebrate life
i love that i

get to know for sure that
it already is the way i want it
to be i love that i nkow that
i nkow that ti l

i love that this
work always work
i love

i lov tha
i love that this

work always


i love feeling good now i love that
i get to let go of the rest i love that
i am allowed to celebrate


i’m happy!!!

i love that i’m hapy i love enjoying life
i love

raising my vibraiton i love
i love letting go i love that i
get to love myself i love

the better it gets ilove
i love that i feel good in my life

at ease in my life

i love that i nkow life

life loves me sooooo mcuh and
is always taking care of everything!!