i love doing the work

i love talking with god i love
doing it first thing in the morning
an di am fresh and not dealing with
the worries of the day i love
that i never have to deal wth the
worries of the day

i love that i never havet o w
to worry i love
that i get to celebrate this awesoem

i love doing the work and
connecting with god with
the energy the work that


the only work that matters:
the concentration on
the vortex

i know all that matters
is the vortex i know all
that matters

today i intend to practice
feeling connected with god
and i know that feeling of connection
is all i ever need

the focus
the concentration on
god is all i need and i know that i love
waking up feeling good and
making the time to tune
myself i know its
just for fun i love that iknow
life is just for fun and
i get to live it i know life is

just for fun i love that

i get to focus on me

how i feel what i want to get out
of life and i know that is
all that matters

i get to focus on how i want to feel and
that’s all that matters i know how i feel is all that matters

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply
my awareness
and knowledge of the
all providing activity
of the divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

money is not my supply
no person place or condition
is my supply
my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this
truth is unlimited threfore
my supply is unlimited

i know my supply is unlimited
i know i am god i know i am god
and everything is going my way i love
that ig et to

get to practice

i love that i get to feel the
feeling i lov that i get to do this
work i love that i get to make the choice
i love that i get to make
the choice to feel how i want to feel
to allow what i want to allow

i love that i get to choose me i love
the better it gets i love that
i get to choose me i love
that i get to choose
me i love that i get to choose me

money is not my supply no person
place or condition is my supply
my awreness understanding and knowledge of
the all providing power of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this
truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i love that i get to feel good
about myself right now i love
that i get to feel good
about myself right now

i love that i get to make
the chocie i love

that i get to feel wealthy i love
that i know everythin gis a f

is a feeling i love that i know everything
is a feeling i love that i get to make

the choice to feel the feeling i wa

want to feel right now i

get to make the choice
to feel the feeling iwnat to feel r
ight now i love

that i get to make the choice
to feel good nwo i love
that i get to make

the hcoice the choice to love

i lov that it always worsk i love
that i get to cho

choose the flow the feeling i
get to choosed the feeling
right now i get to choosethe feeling
the feeling right now

i get to feel
the feeling now i ove
i love that i get to celebrate

celebrate love
celebrate this monent

so grateful to raise
my vibration to let go and to not
care becaue i know

that situation isn’t
my suppy i love
that i g etto feel good now i love
that i know its just a fucking
simulation i love

doing the work and the feeling better
i love that i know my vortex is always right

here i love that i get to celebrate because i know
life is good i love

i love that i get to celebrate
because i know life is good i love

it feels good to celebrate life
to know life is going my way it
feels good to celebrate
say yes it feels good to say yes
to feel good it feels good

feel good

the powe rof the focus

to celebrate life
to celebrate me
to allow the feeling of

celebration to flow

it feels good to lean into the flow
and know that

all my wishes are coming true

it feelsg ood to
goot o know to know that
life is going my way
it feels good to

look for reasons to be grateufl
it feels good to celebrate this day to
feel my best it feels godo
to celebrate me to lean into the flow
and expect the flow

take me i know i am god and i know
all my wishes are coming true
i know i am wealthy
i know al ready

already have everything i know
already have it all iknow i

i love that i am already totally fulfilled
and i don’t have to achienve

i don’ thave to achiece

my awareness
understanding and knowledge
of the all providing
of the divine mind within me
is my supply

iknow the power of the
focus is all that matters
and the connection
i know the connection i know the connectoin to
god is all that matters

i know the connection to
god is all that matters i know

connectoin is all that matters
the feeling is
all that matters the celebration
of life is all that matters

i love feeling the
best i’ve ever felt i love that
it always comes i love
leaning into the flow i love
feeling good about myself i love
that i get to feel good i love tha ti g

get ot do thiw work i love that
i get to do thwi

this work i love that
all my siwhs

wishes are coming true
9i love that

all my wishes are coming true i love
that i get to cele

celebrate life i love
that life is perfect

right now