i love feeling relieved i love
looking for reasons to love life i love
taking the big leap into the flow
and feeling the feeling of loving myself

of loving where i am right now
and being aware of my thoughts because
i know they are always creating

i love knowing this is my only work
this work is my only work how i feel
is my only work and i love
not caring about the rest

how i feel is my only work and the
rest is just details


emotions are life


if you get that joke you
will laugh

i love that i kow i love
i love making jokes with god i love

that i know i am god i love
the feeling of every time i make the choice
to take the big leap in the
here and now i love

the relief of this work i love
standing up for msyelf
and making
the choice to do the work i love
that i know i can i love
that i know i can i love that

i can celebrate this day
to the fullest and that is my


is to feel good to feel relieved to feel the
feeling of love and connection

i am allowing myself
that i deserve that

i am that
that is why i came here

is what i cam eto

to experience and i am
brave enought o all
to allow it

into my life experience

i don’t have to cut it
off any more i’m done

i’m healed i’m healed i’m healed
i’m healed i m

i’m ther ei

i deserver to feel
good i deserve love i deserve to
enjoy my life
and i know

that only i can
cut of that flow of well being

i love taking the big leap to enjoy the
day to do the
the energy work and choose the
versoin ore

of reality i prefer it
feels good to do the work the only
workt hat matter

that matters it feels good to do the only
work that matters and that’s love and

to remember that’s all ican

can ever do i love that i know




and i never have to worry about the
rest i love making the choice to feel good
i love doing the work
to remember who i am

i love making how i feel
mly number
one priority
i love when i can coadch i l

i love making the choce to feel

really going ther ei love
making the choice

to really take the leap

i love feeling good i love
amking tmak

making the choicet o cha
to change the energy i love that
i get ot say i love you i love

i never havet o allow
anything to affect me

i love that i know
it’s only ever energy i love making the
choice each day to

feel good to cleeb

celebrate life in this here and now
i love feleing godo i love
i lov efeeling

feeling the feeling of feeling free i love
that i get to feel the feeling and
knowing that the feeling

is all that matterts
the feeling and today i am
brave enough to

to celebrate my ife
to celebrate my life

today i am celebrating life and i love
it i love that today i get to celebrate life
to allow life to flow

through me i love that i know

don’t need anything outside of me
and that it’s all here and now i love

raising my vibration i love
letting go of resistance and
choosing the
versoin i

i prefer and then allowing it to
unfold to

come to me and knowing
this is how life works

it feels good to connect
to life to remember the turht of

truth of life

and celebrate every momeent
it feels good to

to practice to make the cp

the practice
my practice

i love that i can
always change my tuen in the
the here and now i love

the feeling of feeling my heart sing
i love when my heart sings

i love that
my is singing i love that my heart is
singing i love allowing
my heart to sign i love

sign i


i love feeling th f
the feeling of
i love doig th

the work to remember
it’s ony
only ever me i love have the

mental discipline to
recognized that and i love
feeling practiced at focusing
on the version i prefer

i know that i can only
ever focus on the version i prefer i love


being aware of h
and how i feel and i love

that i am practiced at
tuning my
point of attraction and iknow that
is the
only real actoin i

i can ever take