i love doing the work

i love the power of the focus
i love the power of the focus i love
that i know
what i focus on expnds

i love old friends i love love
i love that there is so muc to love i love
that i am the creator i love
that i know i am the crator i love
that today is a good day i love
that today is ago

good day i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love

i love having fun with my wife
i love when the wife wants to write
i love when kenneth stops by i love
having bud i love
having a good day i love the magick of
life i love feeling good i i love
who i am i love that i get to feel god i love
i love

i love that i get to feel good
i love the in and out of life i love
the in and out of life i love

the feeling of life i love the feeling of life
i love the feeling of life i love
the feeling of life loving me i love that life
is good i love that i a

already made it i love that
i already made i ti love
that there is more than enough to love
i love that

i already made it i love that
there i so much to love

i love doing the work i love
creating more of what i want to see i love
that i get to create more of what i want
to see i love that there is so much to
love i love that i get to enjoy this
day i love that i

get to enjoy this day i love
that this is my life i love that i love my life i love
that i get to feel good and that’s

all that matters i love that i get to feel good
in this right now i love that i
get ot enjoy life in this right now i love
feeling the flow in this right now i love

the feeling of letting go and allowing
god to flow through me i love
doing the work i love feeling good i love

feeling good i love celebrating life i love
celebrating me i love that i knw life i

i love that iknow life is

flowing perfectly through me i love
that i get to choose i get to choose
the good life the god life i love
that iknow al that matters is
what i focus on right now i loe
that lla

i love life i love that life loves me i love
that ll m

all my wiehse wishes are coming true
i love that i know what i want is always flowing
to me i love feeling good i love waking up
feeling good i love waking up feeling good i love
waking up feeling good i love

going to bed feeling good i love
that there is so much to love i love this perfect day i love
leads i love bookings i love that
this is my life i love how
far i’ve come i love

where i sm right now

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance i am conscious
of the constant activity of
this mind of infinite prosperity

thereofre my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

i love feeling good g

i love that i know life can only reflect me i love
my new workstation i love that i know
when i ask it is given i love
that i get to send the signal of es and


that it is ture

i love there is so much to love
i love that i already mad it i love
that i already have everything i love
that i already made it

i love the flow of life i love
that everything already worked out for me i love
that everything already worked out

i love feeling good in my body i love
that i am here now in this right now
sending the signal of yes i love
that i get ot make the

the choice to feel good and enjoy life i love
that i get to make the choice
to feel good and enjoy life i love sending the signal
of yes i love

that i get to celebrate i love that i get
to enjoy life i love that i get to do me

i love that i get to do me i love
that i get to feel the flow of life i love
that i know i am loved i love that i know
god loves me i love

having old friends
who i love and trust and admire

i love that ther is
so much to love i love that i know
life is going my way i love
that god loes me i love that h

there is al

so much to love i lovt hat

that i know all that mattes

matters is the feeling i know

all that matters is the feeling i know all that
matters is the feeling i lovethat iknow

i love practicing
i love

that i can forgive myself forthat
i love letting go i love forgiving myself

i love doing the wor i love
doing this work and tuning myself i love
that i get to make the choicet o feel good
i love that i don’t havet o

believe in lack

i love that i don’t havet o
believe in lack i love
that i don’t have to

believe in lack i love that i get to
sned the
signal of yes i love that i know this
and the more i sign

send the siganl the more
fun life is bgecause


because i am cele brating it
i love that there is so much to love
i love that

there is so much to celebrate