i love doing to work and i know that

it always passes and i always get to choose how i feel
today i feel good and i’m grateful for that

i feel good and i’m grateful for that
grateful to e h
to be here doing this work

i feel good and i come here to practice
to remember presence and that’s all it is in
simple terms i love that i know this i lov ethat
i know life ican be so ismple

when you let it when i let it i love that i love
doing this work t
hat it works i love that i know that life

is magick i love that i know i love that

accepted it i ilove that i know that

i don’t care what happens i love the
better it gets and i don thave to care what happens

i’m here and the presesnt moment and i feel good about it
i feel good about this day i feel the
energy flowing to and through me in the prsent moment

i just accept it and dont fight against it

i just accept it i sink into it i sink into it

i sink into it i sink into

i knwo we’ere doiing our best and that’s
all we can do and i lov that i fel

feel good today so

thank you for this day for
feeling good in this moment and remembering that is
literally all there is i love that

it sjus

its just that simple i love that its just
that simple and i get to choose how i feel i love that i get to choose
how i feel and i dont even have to choose

just be and then any emotion
just is

theres not judgement attached to it
so it doesn’t hurt

its just that easy and i’m so graerful
for this day to enjoy this day
to feel good int his day

so grateful to feel good now
to feel the energy now to feel energetic

so grateful to be here in this infinite now
to expand to fill this infi

this infinite now so grateful that is my only job
my only work my only work my only work

so grateful i can realx in this knowledge
i can relax in this knowledge

so grateful i gte to to know to know that
the feeling is the secret the feeling is the secret
and i know that i get to choose how i feel
by expanding to feel

fill this moment
not shirking away from it
but expanding to fill it and i love that i
get to i love that i get o

i love that ig et to feel good today i
that i get to enjoy the day
say thank you for the day

be grateful for every moment

so grateful i get to be grateful for every moment
that iw ant to be her ethat i enjoy being
here that i enjoy my life
an di’m grateful
to get to live it

i get to look for signs of
i get to choose i get to choose how i feel right now

i get to choose i

and i’m so grateful to wake up feeling
good to be able to face it
today i can face it

today i can face it
today i

can face it
today i can face it

today i can face it today
i can face it

i can face it i can face it
i can face it

i feel good today i feel the flow today i feel the
flow flowing i feel the feeling of yes i

feel the feeling of yes i feel the
feeling of yes

i am yes i am the moment i am love
i am re

the release i am


and that’s it i just am and i’m so graetful to
know that

this that i get to live an embodied life

that i get to live a full life

so grateful i get to
i get to so grateufl ig et to

so grateful i get to i get to

to know the feeling is the secret and i feel
it i feel it right now and i

all i can do is celebrate all i can do is
celebrate alll that i have

all the love ive gotten to feel
be grateful for all that is

and so grateful for all that is
all that

i’ve gotten to feel all that i’ve gotten to texp

to experence in this trip and i’m so grateufl
i get to feel it get to know it get to know it

so grateful i get to know i

get to know it
so grateful i get to know it
ii ge tto

i gt to

to know it
so grateful i get to know it

so grateufl i knot eh

i know the truth i know the truth
and i get to live it i know the truth
and i get to live it
i know the truth and i get to live it

i ilove that i dont’ have to care

because i dont care what happens i love that
i dont have to ccare what happens

so grateful to wake up feeling good
and like i can facce the day like i can

face the world so g
rateful ig et to feel it to

so grateful to feel it to feel like i can fsace

face life to feel like i dont care what

i love that i get to feel good no matter what
today because that is my natral

natural state and

whatever happens
i can absorb it
and i love that i know this i know the
feeling of life and i have felt
it so many times

feel it so regulrarly

and i consider myself blessed because i know the
power of me that i am

powerless the power
is to realize that you are powerless

that is life’s true power and i knw that i have found
it i love that i get to choose to observe life however i choose