i love feeling good

i love feeling the flow flowing i love
feeling gods lavish abundance flowing i love
that i get to i love that
i get to make it whatever iw ant i
get to make the day wahtever

whatever i want get to make the moemtn
moment whatever iw ant i get to make the moment
whatever i want

i get to make the moment
whatever i want

i get to make the moment
i want i get to make this ommetn whatever i wan
want andits never not me

i get to love myself i get to

feel good i get to say yes i
get to accept it i get to
accept it i know its always
me i know is never not me i knw its
never not me i know its never not me i

i know its alawys me i know that
i get to enjoy it i get to enjoy life
i get to say yes to life
i get

to say yes to the feeling of god knowing that
the feeling of god is all there is
the feeling

of god is all there is
teh feeling

feeling of awareness