i love feeling good

i love feeling good i ilove that im
here ceel
cellebrateing life

i love that im here celebrating life
that i ge tto be aware the
atht i tfe lto to feel ght
the fel
flow the i get to enjoy life i ove that im
here enjoying life

i get to crate the
version i want i get to feel
good i get to have fun
get to
feel good i get t have fun

i get to feel good i

so grateful for this day

so grateful for this day
for the god self flowing through me

to know

there’s no future and no desier
i kno wthere
ther’s no future
and no desire i love htat
i know this

i love enjoying the day
enjoying the flow
enjoying the silence
i love that i nkow the on e

one and
only truth i nkow the one and only turht i get to
enjoy the one aond nly truth

that i get to do this work the only
work the god work the god feeling

the god work the god work the only work the only work the only
work the god work

the god feeling is all there is and i kno w
the oi know the power of me the feeilng i choose its up to me t
to practice the feeling i want to feel

to practice the feeling i want to feel to
choose the feeling i want to feel
todo it ti
to choose it to choose it oever
oer and over to practice it
to feel it to feel the self the t

true and silent eelf it
o know the true and silent self

the power of the feeling
the powre of driiving life the ower
poweer of driving life
the power

fo driving life the power of driving life

the focus of feeling

the focus the magic of the feeling
of driving life of remembering the choice
the power of ethe
the choice the power of the choice i get to remembe r
the power of the choice
i get to choose

i always choose

how i feelim the im the one creating it im
the one choosing how is ee
i seem y life and my life and my situation

i love the focus of the silence
no future

no desire
just here and now

here now is all there is
is all there is
is a

all there is

i love that i get to feel
good i love that i gett
to i love that i get t

to i love that i get to i love

that i get o


focus on the god self be the god self feel the
god sefl

i get to choose how i see it i get t
choose what i do with hit
it i get to choose hwat i do with it

i get to allow the magic of life

this is the only work this
is the only drug and its my
chang eot make

my change

chance to make it what i want it ti
its my change to
chance to make it what i want it to be its my change to

chance to make it what i want it to be
and i love that i get to i love that i get to

that i get to that i ge tto do this work the tonly

this is the one and only
focus this is the one and only energy
and im so grateful to be here now focused and knowing
and silent not allowing the thoughts
allowing them to drift away allowing myself
to now the truth to get back t my

to my practice to my magick practiced to my own magick

the flo is all there is
the feeling is all there
is and

when i come here i feel the feeling
flowing i m

the flow is all there is the feeling
is all there is the expectation is all there is
so graetful to get

bacck to feeling good back to feeling
good so graetful to get back to feeling good to

get back to focus o
tot he truth to the truth of life i know the truth of life i now that
i i know

i know the power of me i know the power ofme i now im
always creating it i know there’s nothing outside of me
i know there’s nothing outside

of me i nkow there

i kow the feeling of me i know the
god self i know the per
power to create the power to choose i knwo
tis all me
i know t

its all me i kow
its all me
tis all me its all me

tis all me it all me
its all me

its all me all of it is me
i nkow this i sayyes this
this ai

i allow this i alllow myse
my life t be good i alwao

allow the rest to leave i allow myself
i allow i
allow life eto be good i say yes to eveyrthing that is

the only feeling is god
tht only

the only feeling is god

only feeling is god the only
feelign is god and i knwo this i love
that i nkow this

alredy i love that i nkow this
drug is i am
the feeling is always here with me

nthing will ever bring it the
feeling is here now
the feeling is here now without thought
the magic
is in the silence
the magicc is in the silnece i
i know the power ofme and i now i mm

im ready to fcous i nwo the power of me i now tis
all in the focus i know tis all in the focus

i know the power o

of me and i kno wits in the paying attention to how i feel
and hcooseing to feel
how i c

i prefer i get to feel how iw atn