i love feeling good

i love the power of the focus
and knowing the i am the one and only
creator i love knowing that i am the one and only
creator and i know

that my attention creates i know whateer
i pay attentionto

i create more of and the only
one creating my rality

reality is me

i know the only one creating my reality is me

i love making the time to do the work
that matters i love doing me i love


making the choice i love
when i can make the choice i love when
i can make the choice i love

that i get to make the choice to allow
god to flow through me i
get to make the choicet o all

to allow the flow to flow through me
i get t

to make the choice in this here and now
to create the version i prefer

i know

i know when i look for the magick

i find it i know when
i expect the best

the best happens

i know i am the one and only
creator of my reality i know i am
the one and only
creator i know i am
the flow i know i am

everything i know i am the flow i know
i am god
i know

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
this r

the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i love feeling the flow i love
keeping up the good work i love
that i can always keep up the

good work i love that i can alwys feel good i love
that i can always

feel good i love that i

get to feel good now i love thati
get to choose how i feel i love

looking for signs of
improvement i love that i

i know attentin creates
and whatever i make thechoice to pay

attention to

is what i see more of i love taht i
get to choosei love that the

flow always knows

i love that the flow
always knows and i can just trust the flow i love

making myself focus intot he flow
i love the feeling of the flow and i love

knowing that everything
already worked out for me

i love that i get to choose the
feeling of knowing everything
will work out

is working out

already worked out i love that i

getto choose the feeling of knoing i llove
that i get to chose my reality
by what i pay attention to i love

rememberingthe power
of me i love remembering that it
can only ever me

be me and it is never
another person
or something outside of me

i love knowing that the
flow is always flowing no matter what
and i can choose to lean into it

i get to choose to lean into it
i love that i know life
is perfect ofr me i love i love

already worked out for me

i lovethat lif
already worked out for me

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

i know propserity is


and that infinite prosperity
is my life

i love raising my

vibration i love that i know

what i look for i see

i love that i know what i look
for i see i love that i get to to do me
i love that i

never havet o care or wonder
about others
i get to choose to feel good
for me i love


my vibration

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the univese

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i love being able to
breathe freely i love feeling good about life
i love that i know life is good i love
that i never have to worry i love

that i know the

more i focus on feeling good
the easier life flows through me
i love eltting

letting go i love making
the choice to feel good for me i love


i never have to care i love that
i et to fe
get to feel the feelign

i love that i get to feel good now i love
taht i get to celebrate life

right now


i am god i love that i know i am
god andi never

i never have to wonder abou the

about the rst

i never have to care about
someone elses behavior

all that matters is how i feel and i
can just let the rest go i love that
i dn’t have to care
i love

that i never havet o think about that
i love that i know

the less i think about it
the better i feel and the

better it turns out i know

its just a feeling i love that i knw
everything is just a

a feeling and i am in


of how i feel i love making the
time to do the work for me i love

i love raising my vibration i loe
doing the work and feeling good i loe
that i

its easy to feel agood and the more
i focus on feeling good the

better i feel i love taht its easy
to let go and feel good i love
that i know i never havet o worry
i love

that i’ve let that go i loe that
i’ve let that go i love that
i never have to wonder i love

letting go i love doing the work i love
that i know

everything is just


god is lavish

UNFAILING abundance

the rich,

substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is indivi

the reality of me
i know i am god
individualzied and that my

and my access to prosperity
are unlim ited