i love how good the work helps me feel

i love how great it is to allow the magick
to bethe drug i love that the magick is the drug i love
that life is the

the drug and i know i don’t need anything outside of me
and i never have to worry or wonder about the events of life
i never have to wonder i can always just say

thankyou i can just say thankly
you and trust
i love the power of me i liove the
i love the power of me i love the

i lovehgood
how good the work feels and i love feeling
at ease in my life i love that i know today is my easy day i love that
today is my easy day i love that life

is good i love thatl ife is
life is goo d
i lov thatl ife is the best ever i love
the best client eve i love t
i love the most money ever i love

helping out or friends and family i love
that ther eis
is enough to go around i love doing the work i love doing the work

i love dong the wo
the work and celebrating life i love
the feeling of believing in myself ilove
i love feelingg ood
good now i love that i

to feel good now i love that i love
i love that i get to feel good now i love
where i am rght

i love letting go of it all
and just celebrating life i love that
i getto to feel the joy of the
vortex in this here and now i love that
i know this work

always works the neergy
the energy is allthe

there is i love that
the energy is all there is i love that the
energy is all there is i love that i the
the energy is all ther there

there is i love doing the work i love that i know
it’s only ever the energy i love

that i do know
how to change i love that i

i do know how i do know i lovethat
i know it’s all the energy

i ove that
i love that i know ti’s only
ever the energy adn

and how i feel is my only work
my only job i love that i know how i feel is
my only job i love that

everything is working out for
everyone around me i love doing the work
i love eeling g
feeling good i lovethat i
get to let it all go di love
go i love that

i get to bleieve
believe in myself in this


here and now i love that i get to believe
in myself in this here and now i love that
i get to feel goodi love

i love that i get to feel good i love
where i am right now i love that


i ove that i love that all my wishes are coming
trued i love tht ig et to
to feel the feeling i want to feel

i love that i ge tto feel to feel good i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good

i love the here and now i love
feeling good i love the magick revealing itself in
every moment i love allowing it to i love
tat i know

that i now that

i kno that

i know that whatever is happening right now
is what is happening and there’snot

nothing i can do

act to change it
i can only change how i feel i know

i never have to worry never have to wonder
and i can just trust the magick of the moment
i love

shedding the skin

i love loving myself!!!!

i love feeling prosperous i love

i love the
better it gets i love that i love
myself i

i love that it’s a good dasy!!!!

i love that i truly love myself!!!

i love that everything is working out for me
i love that we get to see our friends
i love that it’

it’s easy t omake tto

to make the choice for what i want i love
that there is always more than engouh

enough i love that
the flow is always revealing itself i love that
the magick is the drug

i love that i fel good i love the
better it gets i love that i
have the power to love the right now to feel the
power of god in this right now

to know that i am god and i get to
choose and that’s it i love that it’s our easy day

i love that it’s our easy day i love that life loves me i lovet

that life loves me i love
i love that life loves me i love feeling good i love

i loe the magick o fli
of life i love the magick of life i love
the magick of life
i love

the power of me i love that
life loves me i love that it’s a good daY i love
i love that
i love that it’s a good day i love that it’s

a good day i love that it’s a good day i love that
life loves me i love that life

loves me i love that the vortex is in every moment
and i love that i get to feel it i love that
we have agood thing

i love that we have the best life!!

i love the better it gets i love
letting go i love tha

letting go of the rest i love that
i feel free i love that i feel
free i love that i liove that i feel good i love

wher ei am

wher ei am

where i am right now i love
where i am right now i love
feeling good i love feling g
feeling good i love feeling

good i love that i love myself
i love

i love starting the day off right!!

i love letting go and
arriving in this here and now i love that hti
this moment is

the main even ti love
i love letting go of the rest i love
i love that i know
i love that iknow

i know life is
here for me and it is rigged in my favor i love
that i know i love that i know

i know for a fact that
everything is always wroking

working out for me

i love allowing it to i love
loooking for the best in life i lovethe

the better it gets i love the
that life hleps me

helps me ask i love that
i get to celebrate this dasy!!