I love my charmed life

I love that i am
over the moon i love allowing the magick of life to
flow through me i love

gtd i love leaning
into the flow i love
leaning into the flow
and know that i
will feel good no matter what
and that god

will be here with me i love
that i can breath easy i love
letting that
go i love that i now

its my choice

i love my family
chosen and given i love
that i am loved i ove
love that i feel
loved i love
that life i sgood i
love that we actually

made money at an

i love knowing
that i am not human i love
that i know i am god
and i a

simply get to make
the choice to allow the
vesion i

version ip ref

prefer i get to make
the choice

i love who i am
right now i love
who i am
right now i love
this moment
right now i love

life is perfect in this right now

i love how far
we’ve come in a year
i love that

its working i love

that i can do it i love
that the flow can do it i love
that i know i am god i love
that know

the power of the
focus i am here and now and i know
that i am creating

all this

already created it i know i already
created it iknow i

i know i already
created it

i love that life
is good in this right now

the divine conscioiusness
that i am is forever
expressing its true nature of

this is its responsibility not

my only responsibilty
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally
confident in letting go and
letting god

appear as the abundant all
sufficiency in
my life and affairs

divine consciousness

i am celebrating
the fact that
i am divine consciousness
the divine
that i am is forever
expressing its true

nature of abundance

this is its
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of
ts truth

therefore i am
totally confident

in letting go and letting
god appear as the
abundant all suffi

in my life and affairs

i love that life is
good i love that life

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever
expressing its true nature
of abundance
this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this
truth therefore
i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

i love that i feel
good i love that its spring
i love that i can
choose to cultivate the
feeling within myself
i love that i can chosoe

love and that it always

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing
its true nature
of abundance


is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant
all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

i love letting go
i know the more i let go
the more it flows i love
doing the work and

feeling better i love
coming to center
i love coming to lotus

i love that iknow
the true nature of who i am
i love that i know this
is my wor i love

i love taking the
big leap

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever
expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility is
to be
aware of this



i am totally confidnet

in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant
all suffiency in my life and


the flow is always flowing
the in and out of life

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing its
true nature
of abundance

this is itrs
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident
in letting go and letting
god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in
my life and affairs

i’ve let go i
let go and i amallowing
god to flow
through me i know
i can refuse to suffer
i can

focus on gd and allow
god to flow through me iknow that
is all there is

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing
its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of
this truth

there fore

i am totally confident in
letting go and letting go
appear as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

today i intend to have laser

laser focs and that’s
al t

all that matters is the laser
focus today
i intend to let go
of throughs that

thoughts that make me feel
bad and allow myself to simpl coa

coast through life

i refuse to suffer and
i make the choice
to go to moutain top to live
at mountain top i know the
signal i send is
what i receive and its ies

easy to let go
to send the signal of yes
of ease to feel calm in my life
i know i am calm

and knowing

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing

its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear
s the abundant
all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance this
is its responsibility not mine

my only responsibility is
to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

here and now
is all that matters

here and now

here and now
here and now

i can do it

i can take the big
leap adn celebrate this
here and now
celebrate my magick

i can choose to
believe int he version i prefer

i can choose to believe in
the magick of life

i can choose to celebrate
i can choose fun