i love raising my vibration

i love raising my vibratin
i love that i get to choos eho wi
how i feel i love

practicing the feeling of how
how i wnat to feel i love that its
easy to let go and let the flow i love

that i now its not no

notme i love that its easy to do the work
i can do the work

i love that its easy to raise
my vibration i love feeling good i love
that it feel soog

good to feel good i love that life
is good i love tat i get to
feel at ease i loe that

i get to feel at eas

i love that i get to feel
at ease in my life i love

that i love hat i now its my choice i love
that i don’ thave to be afraid i love that i know

i can choose to know that life
is taking care of the

that for me i love

getting out of the way i love
getting out of the wa i love

i love feeling good now i love


raising my vibration

i feel good now and taht’s
all that mattes i love i love the


power of me i love hat i ge tto to

get to feel good ilove that

raise my vibration

i am here nwo i am
here now


i’m letting go of resistance
and i believe in the ablity of god to
take care of me i ama llowing god
to take care of me