its easy to remember the truth
the power of me the truth of the power of me
the truth of the power of me that
life loves me that life loves me
so grateufl life loves me
and that i can feel totally confident
in letting go and letting god
appaer as the abndanct
all sufficiency in my life and affairs
i feel the feeling of total confidence i love
that feeling of choosing it at every turn i love
that i get to choose it now and know
that life is on my side that life is alawys on my side i get to
feel the feeling of it i get to feel the
feeling of the focus
i love that i get to choose teh power the power of me
get to choose my own votex b
get to choose my powerfule
flowing self get to chosoe my powerful
flowing self get to
choose it get to choose the magick of me
get to choose the magick of me the magick of the god self
the magick of the god self
i get to choose it right now i gh
choose it and then it is is ifeel it
and then it is
i feel it and then it is
i feel it and then it is
god is lais
god is laish
lavish lavish lavish
over the top
always there
ever present
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe
this all providing source of
infinite prosperity i sind
is individualized as me
the reality of me
the reality of me
i love that itis alreay
is i love that it already is
i love that it already is i love that
life already is the way i want it to be
i love that it is
god is lavish
unfailing abundnce
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe
this all providing sorce
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me
the feeling of me the
feeling of me the feeling of knowing
i get to choose the
feeling of knwoing the
feeling of lavish
unfailing abundance
i wanted this i wanted this i wanted this
i wanted this
i wanted this i wanted this i wanted this
i know teh power of me i know i am the one and only creator
god is laish
god is lavish
unfailing abundance the
rich omnipresent substance
of the univerese
this all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me
i get to choose the god self
i know im the god self i know the
god self i know the
god self
i know the god self i know the
god self
god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe
this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me the reality of me
so grateful its a good day
to go and have fun and have fun
so grateufl to go and have a good time
to go and have a good time
so grateufl to end on a high note
with a beautiful
grateufl to celebrate the day
to celebbrate the day
to feel good to feel the energy of life flowing
the enrgy of yes flowing
the energy of the practice flowing
the feeling of me returning knowings its me
knowing its me
that i get to choose how
who i want to be how i watn to live
its only ever me its lo
oly ever me its only ever me
i love that the tao
does nothing i love that the tao does nothing
i love feeling totally confident i love
feeling to
totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear
as the abbundant all suffiiciency
in my life and affairs
i love that its all working
out i love that its all working out perfectly
i love that
i dont havet o
to htink about it or a
care what do i want to feel what to di want to feel
love appreciation
happy adoration
the flowing the flow flowing
the energy of the flow flowing
exhilirated by life
feeling the flow flowing
feeling the flow flowing
feeling the blessing of life
the certainty of life
the effects of the practice ilove
feeling the effects of the practice
i love that life is so good i know that
the feeling is the secret and life has to
reflect it
i know that the feeling is the secret and life
has to reflect it
i love that life working out perfectly for me
and i get to celebate it i get to know it
i love that life is
going my way i love the
better it gets i love that
i get to be happy i love that
i now its real i love tha t
i know its
real and that god is always givine me the best
god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance
fo the universe
this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me
i love that it doesnt matter
i know i get to feel the feeling first i love
that i get to feel the fi
feeling first i love that
i get to
realease the rest
i get t ofucl
cultivate kindness
confidnet thorugh
through kindness
i am totally fon
confident i love that
get to choose total confidence i get to choose it
i know tis always me its never not me
and i get to choose total
i loe that i dont have to care
i just choose to feel how i watnt o feel
and life reflects i lovet hat
that i know this that i see the
effects of it in everything
i love that i get to
to come here and tap into my power
of choosing how iw atnt o feel
choosing how i want to feel
choosing how iw at
wnat to feel
i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god be the abundnce all sufficiency in my life and affaris
so grateful for the fl
for the flow of life flwing through
the energy of god flowing throughme
that i now i am god i get to decide
i get to decide